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I'm (48M) and my girlfriend (43F) seems to be a bit delusional and I'm not sure what to do.

We've been together for over a year and mostly our relationship is great. We have a lot of fun, enjoy each other, and just have a great relationship. We now live together.

Sometimes, a weird pattern occurs. I I think I've been trying to ignore this behavior.

Basically, she will get mad at me for something that isn't occuring. Totally in her head. Here is an example.

She recently accused me of constantly texting her, when she's not home. She will go on and on about this and eventually work herself into a rage. Cursing, yelling, slamming stuff, etc. Screaming I'm tedting her all day. All day nonstop. This is all with me saying nothing.

The odd part is I never do that. I literally never text her.

I tried to get her to check her phone and see that I never do that. I even went back on my phone to see how many months back, I'd ask her, at least once, where she was at. I found a date almost two months ago, in which I texted her once that day, late at night. That was for the entire day. Before that, it was almost three months back. But she will go on and on about me constantly doing this. Despite that not happening.

It's not only this. There are a few other things she'll get mad about, work herself into a rage, as I'm trying my best to be calm and get her to realize, those things are not occuring. She'll accuse me of trying to get her to stop as far as her going places. Saying I'm always trying to stop her. I've literally never done this, not once. I'm a very secure person. She's does this as far as saying I tell her feelings aren't legit. I've also never done this. She once went on a rant about me expecting her to help pay bills. I pay all the bills in our house. I've also never asked her once to help.

She went on a loud raging rant about this tonight. I was pleading her to just slow down and check the facts herself. I was begging her to look at her own phone. Hoping she would see the facts and calm down, but she refused to do that. It's like she's reflecting on some past experiences with someone else.

I'm honestly not sure what to do. Normally, she will calm down, usually over night and somewhat apologize.

Tl;dr: My girlfriend gets very angry over things that aren't occuring and I don't know what to do. Should I walk away, try to get her some help, or some other action?

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 06:07PM by Conanzulu
I'm (48M) and my girlfriend (43F) seems to be a bit delusional and I'm not sure what to do. I'm (48M) and my girlfriend (43F) seems to be a bit delusional and I'm not sure what to do. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 31, 2021 Rating: 5

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