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My BF who I live with and see every day texts loads of questions and takes texting VERY seriously. I don't know how to explain that I find his texting habits boring and exhausting without offending him (M&F both 30 together 3.5 yr's)

Me and my bf work different shifts, although we have most evenings together from 6pm-11pm and all day every Sunday. He likes to text a lot, paragraphs usually, but his texts only ever consist of asking me about 4-5 almost identical questions and providing very little else (he just says he's fishing or watching TV when I ask him) He seems to love question marks for some reason.

His questions for me when I'm home and he's at work are usually: How did you sleep? What you up to? Playing any video games today? Watching anything on TV? Any fun plans for later? Having a bath today? Etc. (All in one text)

I'll ask him what he's up to and if I can think of something else interesting to ask him I will. But I wouldn't ask all the small mundane stuff he asks me because it feels pointless and exhausting. He will answer me with something really brief then ask me loads more follow up questions on my answers e.g "Any fun plans for after that? What level are you on? How was your bath?" "Did you use a bathbomb or bubble bath?" Etc.

I'm starting to get really exhausted by all the questions, especially since when he comes home he asks all over again what I've been up to etc. Also if I text last during the day he will say "sorry I didn't get time to reply I'll reply now" and he brings up the text I sent to him on his phone and replies to it in person. I used to think it was funny/sweet but it's every time and I don't really get it now.

He used to get a bit weird if I miss questions or don't answer but he hasn't mentioned it recently. He also used to call me out on answering innacurately e.g "I like how you said you weren't playing video games but then you did" but that hasn't happened in a few weeks either.

Once I text first and said "Hey you having a nice day? Not much happening here I'm pretty bored." And he said "Ok ok I get the hint you don't want me to keep asking what you're up to 😂" (I wasn't really hinting then but whatever) but after a few weeks he started again.

Another time I was at my mum's and we had a short funny real-time convo for the first time. I sent him a funny picture and we had a convo that was just a few sentences each on an inside joke. It felt so fun and natural. But then he said "Ok I'm going to bed have fun scrolling up to find my last proper text, here I'll make if easy for you 😂" and copied and pasted his last text that was full of "what you up to" and all the other usual questions.

It made me feel miserable like he was giving me homework, like how he sits and replies to my text in person while reading them. Plus I was going to see him later that evening anyway.

How can I politely tell him that all the questions are exhausting and I'd like us to have a nice natural convo? Do you think we should stop texting so much during the day altogether? He seems to be putting an unhealthy amount of emphasis on a casual way of communicating, which might make sense if we didn't see eachother every day for hours but we do.

TL:Dr: My BF who I live with and see every day texts loads of questions and takes texting VERY seriously and I don't know how to explain that I find it boring and exhausting without offending him.

Submitted January 28, 2021 at 04:05PM by throwawayhex134
My BF who I live with and see every day texts loads of questions and takes texting VERY seriously. I don't know how to explain that I find his texting habits boring and exhausting without offending him (M&F both 30 together 3.5 yr's) My BF who I live with and see every day texts loads of questions and takes texting VERY seriously. I don't know how to explain that I find his texting habits boring and exhausting without offending him (M&F both 30 together 3.5 yr's) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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