Ghosting vs. sending a message and then block ex colleague (40+?M) I (40F) haven't seen in over 10 years?
I (40F) have this ex colleague (40+?M), we worked together over 10 years ago. He had a thing for me and I probably entertained him a bit too much at the time but nothing happened and we haven't seen each other for over 10 years. He sporadically have texted me over the years (maybe once a year, if even that and I just kept the answers polite and courteous, nothing too personal. He has during the last decade married and have two kids (I doubt his wife knows he is messaging me). I have gradually blocked him on whatsapp and social media in general, the only platform I still have him on is Facebook.
Since lockdown he has started messaging me more regularly and I haven't replied. I have moved and been busy with work. And to be honest I don't want to, he has always had a bit of a creepy vibe, and a lot of other former colleagues for that reason are not in contact with him.
Today he started messaging me again and when I didn't reply straight away he got really aggressive , saying he was really lonely and in the end started having a "conversation" between the two of us all by himself which weirded me out completely.
So my question is, would it be okay to just block him on Facebook and messenger or should I send him a message first saying he has overstepped and that I am blocking him? Today I feel he just lost the plot.
Ex colleague flipped when I didn't reply to his messages, now I want to block him but debating if I should send him a message first or just block him.
Edit: He is now blocked, with no message. All I needed was some validation from some kind internet strangers.
Submitted December 05, 2020 at 10:39AM by meeni
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