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My sister tried to make a move on my husband.

My husband "H" (29M) and I (27F) have been together for 7 years, married for 3. We welcomed our son 6 months ago after a long time of trying to get pregnant.

Anyways, my mom (51F) and my sisters (19F), (30F) have been around my house to help my husband and I with child care and such as I’ve returned to work part time and H returned to work full time. My older sister however, straight up flirts with him but when I brought it up to H, he said that he felt like she was just being nice. For context, my husband is a very conventionally good-looking guy, (tall, muscular, takes care of himself, etc.,) and girls flirt with him a lot but he's always oblivious to it.

But H said that he wouldn't be alone with her if it made me feel better, which was easy because both of my sisters were only ever at our house when my mom was there with them, and my older sister is only around on her two days off. This arrangement came about because neither of my sisters have ever cared for a newborn. But something happened and it ended up that my mom had to leave an hour before my husband got there, and it was just my older sister at the house. I wasn't told about this until after the fact.

H told me that when he got home he asked my sister where my mom was, and my sister explained why she had to leave early, and they had a casual conversation about the day when she approached H and grabbed his crotch, pressed herself against him, and then tried to kiss him. H said he immediately pushed her away from him by her shoulders and told her to stop. After this, she apologized and left quickly and he called as soon as she walked out of the door.

My husband apologized for putting himself in that situation, and that he should’ve been more careful. I should've said something to her as soon as it made me uncomfortable, but since I didn't want an awkward conversation then, I have to have an even worse one with her now. I'm not mad at him, I am however mad at myself for not stepping in and saying something before this happened. I also trust my husband enough to know that he is telling the truth.

I texted my sister that we needed to have a talk on my day off tomorrow. She agreed to meet up with me, and said that it is "probably a good idea that we talk". I'm going to talk to her alone about what happened. Let her tell her side and give her the benefit of the doubt, and see if she owns up to it or says that something else happened.

I hate being in this position, because if she admits to making a move on him, then I honestly don't know what I'm going to do... cut her off and not let her be around my family anymore? She loves my son and I'd feel slimy not letting her see the only baby in our family... Regardless of what happened.

H does not want to be around her because of what she did, which I understand completely. When I asked him if he thought this was fixable he said that it would take a long time for him to forgive her, and honestly I agree but I'm kicking myself for not intervening when I saw where her flirting could've gone.

Sooooooooo... I don't know what I'm going to say to her, and I don't know just how I should handle this. I have a general idea but I know this is going to keep me up all night (as if the baby already wouldn't) because I have no idea which direction this will go.

TL;DR - My sister made a move on my husband and I have to confront her about it. I don't know what I'm going to say to her or how I should say it.

Submitted November 23, 2020 at 03:35PM by _ephyra
My sister tried to make a move on my husband. My sister tried to make a move on my husband. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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