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Does wanting intimacy come back after having kids? I don’t know if I’m hormonal, touched out or something longer term has happened to my relationship.

I (37F) and my husband (36M) have been together for 18 years. Our sex life had tailed off somewhat from our early years, but has been pretty bad since I got pregnant with our first child (2.5F). Since then I have been either pregnant or breastfeeding solidly (we also have an 8 month old son). We have sex, but more often because I feel like I’ve said no too many times and don’t want to hurt my husbands feelings. Only occasionally am I actually in the mood. I feel touched out, uncomfortable, tired, you name it. The reason I wonder how much is hormonal is that sometimes I feel genuine disgust when my husband tries to initiate intimacy (could be partly how he goes about it as he has become quite crude). We’ve had a lot of stresses the last few years in addition to having kids such as moving house, building businesses, husband getting injured. I guess I’m just worried that those reasons might not change over time. Things that were little niggles when it was just the two of us seem much bigger now. It’s not just sex, I don’t want to cuddle with him as he always pushes it and touches me in a way I’ve been really clear I don’t want or like (e.g. I absolutely hate being tickled). I’m just hoping for some reassurance that those feelings will come back a bit once the kids are older.

TL;DR I lack desire for intimacy with husband since kids arrived. Does it come back?

Submitted November 26, 2020 at 02:40PM by jdptfs
Does wanting intimacy come back after having kids? I don’t know if I’m hormonal, touched out or something longer term has happened to my relationship. Does wanting intimacy come back after having kids? I don’t know if I’m hormonal, touched out or something longer term has happened to my relationship. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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