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My (18F) mother (41F) is still insistent on coming to doctors appointments with me and I feel quite embarrassed because of it

Recently I’ve been suffering with a pretty serious eye infection, something I hadn’t found out until this weekend. I had been to the doctors prior, and he didn’t pick up on it, and the medication he prescribed didn’t help, so a week later I went to the opticians and he picked up on it and gave me a referral to hospital. I was afraid to tell my mum this, not because I thought she’d be angry, but because I knew she’d be insistent on coming in, and I was right in that regard. She came in with me and I felt very embarrassed, as she asked the doctor endless questions as if she was the patient, not me. I could barely even get a word in edgeways despite the fact it was my health that was being dealt with. Before she tried to insist on coming to my GP appointment and my opticians appointment as well even though I staunchly refused.

At the risk of sounding childish, I find her being there quite humiliating. Not a single other person my age that I know has their mum accompany to them into their consultation with their doctors. If she wanted to sit outside while I went in, I would understand and not have an issue with that, but it’s the fact that she comes in and tries to describe my condition to the doctor even though that’s something I can do perfectly fine myself. To an extent, I understand why she does it. I am her firstborn, and was diagnosed with epilepsy (a condition my family had no prior experience with) as a young child. My mum has been incredibly militant about my health ever since. Up until the age of 16/17, she would accompany me to every doctor’s appointment, and I understood why. Most of them were appointments relating to the epilepsy, where a second hand perspective would be helpful considering I never remembered the seizures. However, this has nothing to do with that, it’s to do with my eye, and I know the pain and discomfort I feel first hand. I am a legal adult and it just seems incredibly awkward having her there and usually sitting in silence while she talks to the doctor, as if I were still a child. It makes me feel as if I’m seen as inept, something that is incredibly frustrating.

Am I wrong in feeling this way about these situations? I just wish I had more freedom to take on the adult responsibility of taking care of and being responsible for my own health, and I can’t do that with her looming over me that way. I do love her, but this is really getting too much and starting to get on my nerves. I’ve tried to talk to her about it but she simply won’t listen. I don’t know what to do to get the point across to her that it is in fact humiliating, at least that’s the way it seems to me.

tl;dr: My mum has been coming in with me to and getting herself involved in my doctors appointments that really should have nothing to do with her since they are all regarding my health. It’s a notion she may have carried on from my childhood due to having epilepsy, but she won’t listen when I say I don’t need that kind of overbearing parenting anymore.

Submitted February 24, 2019 at 04:00PM by buain5237
My (18F) mother (41F) is still insistent on coming to doctors appointments with me and I feel quite embarrassed because of it My (18F) mother (41F) is still insistent on coming to doctors appointments with me and I feel quite embarrassed because of it Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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