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My [27F] boyfriend [33M] (1 year) keeps going on indefinite vacations without me

Am I out of line for feeling frustrated?


He randomly keeps going on these vacations at the last minute where he drinks even more than normal, does drugs, and who knows what else because he’s almost impossible to get in touch with.


He will literally let me know sometimes only an hour before he leaves and basically just say something like “Hey I’m flying to Puerto Rico tonight.” or “I’m going to China tomorrow morning.” He doesn’t buy a return ticket and never knows when he’s coming back. Last time he was gone for an entire month.


I’m feeling hurt because I’m working my ass off back at home, and when I do have the occasional break or long weekend, he never goes anywhere with me. I’m also not used to such a lack of communication. When I’ve told him I want him to let me know what's going on, he gets irritated at me and will tell me “I just did let you know! Do I have to ask your permission?”


I feel like I’m going crazy and he’s acting like I’m being controlling but I’ve always thought it’s normal to discuss stuff like that with your SO! Not to mention I've been getting anxious and having nightmares about stuff happening to him because he won't even let me know if he's safe for extended periods of time.


TL;DR: Boyfriend keeps gallivanting across the world while I'm stuck at home with responsibilities.

Submitted February 28, 2019 at 01:07PM by nairtini
My [27F] boyfriend [33M] (1 year) keeps going on indefinite vacations without me My [27F] boyfriend [33M] (1 year) keeps going on indefinite vacations without me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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