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I (35m) Think my wife (29f) is trying to, or has slept with my father (63M).

Update#1: Not going to do the camera, that seems to be going a little too far.

Update #2: So things are starting to maybe make a little more sense. I told my wife that I was uncomfortable with how close they seem and she confessed they had been talking on the phone before he reached out to me. She had contacted my grandmother and got his number and she reached out to him without telling me to try and get the two of us to connect. She gave him my email. So she's the reason we are connecting, which makes me feel really sad that I suspect something so sinister. I honestly am not 100% convinced nothing is going on and I'm going to come home tomorrow but my mind is resting a little easier now.

Original post:
So....throwaway for obvious reasons.

This situation is fucked and I'm still processing all of this. Me and my wife have been married for 4 years and everything is seemingly going great until recently when my father came back into my life. A little background..

I never knew my father growing up. I knew him and my mother were never together and I was told he was a trucker as a kid and that's why he was never around. I would talk to him on the phone every once and a while but I have zero memories of being with him as a child, teenager or otherwise. I had a good relationship with his parents, my grandparents though. What I know now is that he was in jail for a DUI that resulted in the death of a mother and her infant. My mother hid this from me until I was a teenager but after he had been released I found out through my grandfather before he passed away. He never attempted to make contact once he was released and I never attempted to contact him, I've kind of grown numb to it. I have never been in the same room as my father prior to recently. We talked a couple of times when I was a kid but I had never met him.

A couple of months ago I get a email and when I open it up it's from him. It's this just huge wall of text expressing remorse for not being in my life, not trying harder once he was released and just giving me a laundry list of problems weighing on his moral compass. After emailing back and forth I invited him to visit me and my wife for a week and try to connect a little. I was nervous but excited, I was angry when I was younger but now I just want family in my life. My mother passed away when I was in my early 20's so I have had somewhat of a hole in my heart.

Fast forward and my father has been here for a week now, we sort of hit it off but there is awkwardness for sure. It doesn't feel like my dad, which makes sense because he is basically a stranger. However my wife and father have hit it off EXTREMELY well. I work in a factory a good distance away from our house so between my shift and commute I'm gone around 10 hours a day. My wife works freelance from home and has been staying at home with my father. They have gotten REALLY REALLY close, like weirdly close. To the point when I've pulled her aside and told her how uncomfortable I am with it but she just tells me I'm being crazy and need to be more open to him and try and connect like she has. I've expressed this isn't easy for me but she just got angry at me saying her father was abusive and a drunk and I'm lucky I have a father who cares enough to try and be in my life. This baffles me considering this is the first time in my life he has, I could of used it when I was younger.

About halfway through the week I started to notice all this really really strange shit going on between them, I can't tell if I'm paranoid or if I'm reading to much into it but it's fucking with me. First red flag. When I was walking through the hall I peeked into the guest room there is a pair of her underwear on the floor between the mirror and bed stand. Now, my wife uses this room as a make up, wardrobe ect room so really that's not too strange but we cleaned and put everything away moving her clothes so my father could use the closet but I didnt think anything at the time. Later that night I'm sitting in the kitchen on my laptop and my father is behind me by the fridge, my wife walks in and I can see my father wink in the reflection of the screen behind me at her as she walks in. My wife's face goes beat red. The next night, I wake up and my wife isn't in bed with me so I go out into the living room and they're sitting together on the couch watching TV. When I walk in they kinda jump like I caught them off guard and my wife starts stammering out that she couldn't sleep and heard the TV so she came out and decided to watch with my father. He was just kind of looking off onto the ground not really saying much. I just said alright well I'll see you in the morning. There's been a couple other things that went on that kind of raised my suspicious but they sound too stupid to try and explain. I was just driving home from work today and it just all started to click, I was starting to put the pieces together and I can't even fucking believe what I'm thinking. Is my wife fucking my father?!

Reddit, what the hell? What do I do? Do I confront them? Should I set up a cam when I'm at work? Does it seem like I'm reading into this way too much, am I off base? I'm sick to my stomach and so so lost with all this.

TL;DR: Estranged father came back into my life, I invited him over to stay with me and my wife. They got VERY close. Started to notice strange things, like her underwear in guestroom, him winking at her, leaving my bed when I'm asleep to hangout with him ect. I just pieced everything together while driving today and feel like I'm going to throw up.

Submitted February 27, 2019 at 02:25PM by Twistedsister45
I (35m) Think my wife (29f) is trying to, or has slept with my father (63M). I (35m) Think my wife (29f) is trying to, or has slept with my father (63M). Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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