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[24F] have two roommates [24F & 22F]. They share a hobby: singing....except one of them sounds like a dying cat.

So, this isn’t as serious as most of the posts here but as you can tell from the title, I’ve got myself a musical problem on my hands. Basically I’ve been living with two girls for about a year now. We have a pretty good relationship and I’d consider us all friends. We have one, very loud, very tone deaf problem.

Roommate [22F] is a semi professional acoustic singer. She records, plays an instrument, performs in front of live audiences for cash. She’s good! Occasionally she practices in the house, but it’s pleasant enough and rare enough to not be distracting, never more than an hour or two at a time when others are home (our walls are thin). She makes a point to tell us to let her know if we need quiet time. Overall it’s great, I get to hear someone talented perform their own music for free! We can call her Leia.

Roommate [24F] has pegged her new hobby as....singing! I’m happy that she’s found something she likes, but I am slowly losing my grip on reality when I hear her turn the music up in her room. She sings along with base-y pop songs, at the top of her lungs, in a voice that sounds like a cat in the process of being brutally maimed. She picks one song for an evening and belts it out over and over. It don’t sound good y’all. Do you remember middle school choir? I’m living permanently inside of one. I’m starting to develop a physical rash from second hand embarrassment. Nobody should be singing Whitney Houston like that without being fined by federal law enforcement. My only reprieve is blasting music in the bathroom and trying to drown her out while I shower. I cannot keep running up the water bill like this. (We can call her June.)

When it first started, I tried gently asking if she was going to go take lessons or find a local choir to practice with. She said no, that she just wanted it as a fun hobby after work. I’ll clarify that she isn’t doing it late at night so it’s not interfering with my basic functions, but I. Am. Struggling. I can hear it in my room. I can hear it in the kitchen. I can hear it with the TV on. I CAN HEAR IT FROM OUTSIDE ON THE BACK PATIO. I have no escape and it is getting dark.

So, I’m kinda at a loss of what to do. The reason I bring up both roommates, is because I’m afraid if I ask June to tone it down, she will inevitably ask why I haven’t said the same the Leia. I don’t want to crush her feelings by saying I would rather step on legos than listen to her sing Ariana Grande ever again. Is it ok for ME to be ok with one roommate singing and not the other? I don’t know.

How do I tell someone they aren’t good at their hobby and that they need to either be quieter or get a vocal chord transplant, because I feel like I’m being audibly assaulted in my own home. Should I have to wear earplugs for two to three hours every day after work? That’s a high expectation, even for a roommate situation. It’s my house too and I deserve to relax. I can tolerate an hour, but past that is when I start wondering why god has abandoned me.

June is pretty sensitive and I see this going south fast. She’s told me part of her self-identity in her formative years was being a church choir girl, and that she thinks she’s pretty good. I have a bad feeling that saying the wrong thing will really make her feel bad about herself....but she’s gotta hear it. After all, she’s not hearing herself, that’s for sure.

TL;DR: my roommate who insists on singing every day for two to three hours has the vocal range of a teaspoon, and I need to successfully navigate telling her to please tone it down. Help me before I have to start a Gofundme for my ears.

Submitted February 27, 2019 at 04:59PM by verakiwi
[24F] have two roommates [24F & 22F]. They share a hobby: singing....except one of them sounds like a dying cat. [24F] have two roommates [24F & 22F]. They share a hobby: singing....except one of them sounds like a dying cat. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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