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How do I [M, 19] tell the girl [F, 20] I've been seeing that I've been in prison for the past 2 years?

Had to post again as I didn't include a TL;DR.

So, I've been dating a girl for the past two and a half weeks and things are moving quite quickly. I met her on the third night after I was released when I was out with my friends on a bit of a welcome home night out. I really like her and she keeps saying she thinks we have a 'connection' and if I'm honest I kind of feel it too.

I didn't tell her I'm an ex-offender at first because I didn't think it was going to go anywhere and I was scared. I know it's really bad that I have been lying to her, but I'm already ashamed of what I did to get sent down and I think I just wanted to feel like a normal person for a while.

I'm now worried that she's either going to dump me because of the fact I have a history or because I lied to her. I think she's already a bit suspicious because she keeps asking why I don't drink alcohol (obviously part of my release terms) and whenever we are talking about ourselves then it's becoming obvious that I have a two year black hole in my past.

I know that I definitely have to tell her because a healthy relationship isn't built upon lies, but I'm really scared.

Any advice on how to broach the subject, where best to tell her, how to explain that I'm not all bad (before she manages to throw something at me) would be HUGELY appreciated. Thanks in advance.

TL;DR - Ex-offender recently released from prison dating a girl for the past 2.5 weeks. Need advice on how best to broach the subject of my past and of being in prison for the past 2 years.

EDIT: I may as well say what I did, I got into a fight and ended up really hurting another guy. No weapons were involved.

EDIT No 2: Bit of info I forgot to include. I was actually released on licence (what we call parole here) almost four and a half months ago and had a few weeks of freedom, but I was recalled back to prison because my PO found weed in my urine. Sorry guys, I didn't think to include it, but I want to be honest.

UPDATE: I’m not sure whether I’m allowed to put an update in my original post so I put it as a comment, however it seems to have been buried under all the others, but it’s there anyway.

Submitted February 28, 2019 at 04:32AM by Jake1999x
How do I [M, 19] tell the girl [F, 20] I've been seeing that I've been in prison for the past 2 years? How do I [M, 19] tell the girl [F, 20] I've been seeing that I've been in prison for the past 2 years? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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