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My girlfriend [32F] keeps trying to convince me that I [29M] and not allergic to milk

I was born with a milk allergy as well as other common allergies like corn, wheat, etc. They all went away after a few years and I lived most of my childhood allergy free. In my early 20’s I was having a lot of stomach issues and after many doctor visits, I was prescribed an allergy test. Turns out that my milk allergy came back. I took milk out of my diet, got a prescription for epi-pens, stocked up on Benadryl and it was all good. A year after that, I became vegan anyway so the milk allergy didn’t affect me at all other than having to tell restaurants about it to avoid contamination.

I met my girlfriend about 3.5 years ago and she is also vegan and has been for more than half of her life. When I first told her about my milk allergy, I almost got the impression that she was envious of me that I had a legit reason not to consume cow’s milk. It didn’t really get brought up again for a while since we never have milk or cheese anyway. About a year or two years ago though she started to make comments that she didn’t think I was actually allergic to milk. Whenever I would tell waiters at restaurants, or say I needed to pick up my epi-pen from the pharmacy, she would say things like “I don’t actually think you’re allergic to milk…”. I told her that when I was around milk I’d have explosive diarrhea, itchy skin, etc. Also you can’t just get a prescription for epi pens unless you have an allergy test. She eventually agreed that I was allergic to milk when I got the test done, but she thinks it went away.

I haven’t had any allergic reactions or had the test redone, so yeah sure maybe she’s right it went away. But she brings it up SO OFTEN and it doesn’t matter!! Even if I wasn’t allergic to milk anymore, I wouldn’t consume it anyway, so who cares? She almost seems annoyed when I tell people because she thinks I’m lying or even bragging about my allergy. She wants me to get tested again but I don’t see the point. Sometimes she’ll accuse me of buying milk chocolate and eating it in secret. I’ll tell her why would I do that, I’m allergic to milk. And she’ll reply “That’s the only thing that’s stopping you from buying milk? It's not like you're even allergic!”

How do I get her to stop bringing it up? It is so frustrating that she randomly decided I don’t have an allergy and keeps trying to convince me of it. We have gotten into actual fights over this and it just seems so ridiculous to me that it’s something that is even fought over.

TL;DR I got tested and results came back that I’m allergic to milk. Girlfriend refuses to believe that I’m actually allergic and it’s driving me crazy.

Submitted February 27, 2019 at 08:14AM by 1maginaryMongoose
My girlfriend [32F] keeps trying to convince me that I [29M] and not allergic to milk My girlfriend [32F] keeps trying to convince me that I [29M] and not allergic to milk Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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