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My (29f) dads (49) affair was just exposed only hours after we placed my moms (56) father into hospice

My life is playing out like a bad movie. Friday morning I got the call that my grandfather's renal failure had reached the point that dialysis was no longer increasing his quality of life. I live a few hours away so my mom wanted to be sure I could come home to say goodbyes.

This man was my knight as I grew up. Always the perfect gentleman and really gave me the idealistic vision of what a husband and father should be. So naturally, his health failing has been really hard for me. And the last week of not knowing what will happen with him has been stressful for all of us.

Saturday was moving day. All things considered, he was in good spirits. I can tell his mind is slipping and confusion is settling in. My mother was holding it together, but I know she's in a tremendous amount of pain. My father mentions to the doctor about going out of town for work this week, and if it'll be okay for him to be away. He doesn't want to be gone in the event my grandfather will pass soon. Doctor gives him the okay says that there's no guarantee's but that his kidney functions don't indicate large changes yet.

It's not until we leave the hospital that he gets the email. The one that casually came up on his phone. "Can't wait to see you in two days. I love you". He's been having an affair with his boss for a year. He literally asked for permission from the doctor to go out of town to fuck his girlfriend. I am seething with anger. Not just for my mom. But for me. For my 7 year old son who thinks the world of his papa. Just like I do of mine.

I'm at a loss. I asked him why not just leave. He tried telling me there was never a good time to ask for a divorce. I feel betrayed. I want to cut him out of mine and my son's life. I've taken a few days to wait to post this, and my anger is waning. It's being slowly replaced with sadness for everything my mom and I are about to lose. In this situation, is it normal to complete cut the person off? Am I overreacting due to the grief I'm already trying to process? How can I make sure my mom feels supported?

TL;DR: Dad's year long affair was uncovered the same day grandfather was placed into hospice.

Submitted January 28, 2019 at 09:03AM by Fasi_Lunari
My (29f) dads (49) affair was just exposed only hours after we placed my moms (56) father into hospice My (29f) dads (49) affair was just exposed only hours after we placed my moms (56) father into hospice Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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