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Boyfriend [26M] asked me [22F] to go on an overseas trip with him next year. I am afraid to tell my friend [23F] because I know she will react badly.

Hi reddit, Obligatory apology for formatting mistakes as am on mobile I would love to get an opinion on this situation and some advice.

So my relationship is going well, no complaints there, and me [22F] and my bf [26M] are looking at going on an overseas trip next year. I would love to go with him! However, I have a roommate and close friend [22F] that I have lived with for many years. She has been single for a long time now and I think relies on me for quite a lot of her social interaction. She tends to take things very personally when I am not at home sometimes- she will text to ask where I am, and she especially used to be quite childish and rude to me whenever I said I would be staying at my boyfriend's place. Even now she will sometimes make judgemental comments about how I "have been at his house for like 3 nights in a row"... as if it is any of her business what I do as an adult woman? Anyway the problem is that a couple of years ago, when I was also single, me and her talked about going overseas. No actual plans were made but we mentioned it quite a few times. So due to this, and her tendency to react quite negatively about me saying I am doing things with my boyfriend, I am feeling nervous about telling her I'm making plans to go overseas with him and not her. Should I invite her anyway since we talked about it before? Should she just have to suck it up and deal with it?

TL;DR My boyfriend asked me to go on an overseas trip with him next year. I would love to go with him. However I am a bit hesitant to tell my friend and roommate, as me and her talked about going overseas together a few years ago, but never actually planned anything concrete. I have a feeling she will react badly and make me feel guilty for going without her. Am I in the wrong? Should I invite her?

Submitted October 30, 2018 at 02:35AM by moriati18
Boyfriend [26M] asked me [22F] to go on an overseas trip with him next year. I am afraid to tell my friend [23F] because I know she will react badly. Boyfriend [26M] asked me [22F] to go on an overseas trip with him next year. I am afraid to tell my friend [23F] because I know she will react badly. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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