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Me with my best friend, am I bad for not wanting to spend £300 on her birthday?

I'll try to keep this fairly brief, I'd really appreciate any input on this! :) It's not a huge issue but I want to make sure I do the right thing here

Me and most of my best friends (who were all in the same year in school together) are coming up to our 30th birthdays in the next year. One of them mentioned that she'd like to go away to a country cottage for her bday with a big group of us for the weekend (two nights). She asked us if we'd be willing to pay about £200 each for the weekend. All in all, with the transport, alcohol, food, a gift, etc. it would be about £300 for the whole weekend at least (about US$380)

Now, I could afford that if I wanted, but it just seems like a looooot of money for a birthday. I know it's a big one, but personally for mine I'll probably just have friends over for drinks and dinner and won't expect anyone to pay anything except whatever it costs them to get to my place (petrol, train). She'd expect us to provide our own drinks and pitch in for the food when we're at the cottage

I asked another close friend in the group and she said she's really up for the idea. I don't want to be that one asshole who ruins it by saying it seems like too much money, but it does just seem like a lot to spend for a weekend in a cottage, to be honest. I'm sure it would be fun, but I do feel like if she can't afford to host us somewhere then she should stick to a simpler idea like mine. Is that reasonable or am I being cheap? I asked my girlfriend what she thought and she said she'd happily pay the same in my situation for such an important birthday

**tl;dr** Best friend wants us to pay £200 each (plus travel, alcohol, etc.) to spend the weekend at a cottage for her 30th bday. It seems like too much to me, but I'm not sure if I'm being reasonable

Edit: Thanks for your replies everyone! There are a lot of interesting perspectives for sure. I hope I didn't come across as misleading, because yes, she hasn't asked me to hand her the cash for her birthday or something (like "I want this thing, gimme the money" or anything like that). That said, honestly I will probably just say it's out of my budget but I'm happy to do something with her like take her out to dinner. No point in me going if I don't want to, and equally I definitely won't gossip behind her back about how expensive it is (I've only talked about it with my gf and not said to any of the other friends that I think it's too expensive)

Also yes, it is expensive for a cottage, right? But she was looking at some that are pretty beautiful country retreats, although I can't quite believe the total prices are like £2,000 for two nights

Submitted October 30, 2018 at 04:59AM by Material777
Me with my best friend, am I bad for not wanting to spend £300 on her birthday? Me with my best friend, am I bad for not wanting to spend £300 on her birthday? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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