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Me (26f) and my roommate (28f) doesn't want to feed my cats, doesn't want anyone else to either

Hey Reddit, having a roommate issue.

I've lived with June for 6 month now. We were part of the same friends group before we moved in, have known each other for 4 + years, and have always gotten along smashingly. Until present day weirdness over my two cats.

I've been working like a madman for the past year and have not taken more than an overnight trip somewhere, but now that I'm dating a guy who lives 1.5 hours away, I'm wanting to spend more and more time with him. He lives alone in a beautiful house, and I prefer going over to his place on the weekend to avoid inconveniencing June and also enjoy my private time in his city which I really love. He comes over regularly now, but I hate forcing a guest on someone for an entire weekend after they've worked hard all week, and would prefer to spend most, if not all weekends, at his place.

I have two cats that June loves playing with and has never voiced displeasure over living with. I take care of them by myself and always have. June has never had to be responsible for their care in any way save for ONE time that one of the cats threw up when I wasn't home, but she didn't act bothered or resentful of it.

Anyways, a single overnight somewhere isn't a big deal when you have cats, but to spend a whole weekend away means I will need to have a cat sitter to come in regularly and feed the cats and change their litter whenever I'm away.

I didn't even ask June if she wanted to do this job herself because I didn't want to put her on the spot. Instead I casually said last night "Hey June since I'm probably going to be spending a lot of my weekends at John's house, I'm going to have a cat sitter come in to feed the kitties and empty the litter. What times would be most convenient for you?"

Her response? She told me she was extremely uncomfortable and creeped out at the thought of a stranger entering her home. She hated it the one time John and I went away for a weekend and she absolutely refuses to let it happen regularly.

I was pretty put off by this. I asked her if she expected I would let my cats to just starve and live in filth for a weekend. She kinda shrugged and said there has to be another way. I asked if she wanted to be responsible for their care, and she responded that it wasn't fair to have her look after my cats. I again asked what the possible compromise would be and she asked why I couldn't just commute back and forth. I pointed out a 1.5 hour commute in one direction was not going to happen and made zero sense when I could have a vetted professional come in for maximum 20 minutes a day a couple times per week. I told her she could meet the cat sitter and see how completely harmless they were -- the sitter in question is a 22 year-old girl in college working for a licensed pet sitting agency, not exactly high-creep factor.

Again, I asked her what she expected me to do, and got a bunch of weird, vague responses. She brought up my boarding the cats for Saturday and Sunday and I refused as it's an extremely stressful situation for cats and only suitable for long periods or emergencies, and it's prohibitively expensive to boot.

And then came the kicker -- she sort of danced around the topic of her taking on the responsibility for a reduction in rent. How much reduction? $100 for every weekend I'm gone, so potentially $300 per month. For comparison, my cat sitter is paid $15 per day for one visit, so $30 for the weekend. I told June this and she said that $30 was too low for her to take on the responsibility.

I mean, if I was in her shoes, I'd be jumping at the chance to have the whole apartment to myself, but whatever.

I'm pretty pissed at this point. We ended the conversation with me getting pretty frustrated and telling her we would continue tomorrow -- so tonight.

What am I supposed to do here exactly?

tl;dr: roommate refuses to allow a pet sitter to feed my cats, won't do it herself unless I offer her crazy money.

Submitted October 29, 2018 at 07:06PM by myroomieandmycats
Me (26f) and my roommate (28f) doesn't want to feed my cats, doesn't want anyone else to either Me (26f) and my roommate (28f) doesn't want to feed my cats, doesn't want anyone else to either Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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