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MIL wants to move in to help with our first kid

My MIL (60) is a freaking joy to be around, I (25) swear, and I love her a lot. We got to be close years before DH and I started dating and she was like a mom to me before I married her son- I've known her for 12 years.

The thing is... she wants to stay with us the first month after our kid is born and I don't even know what to say. She swears we'll be exhausted and won't know what hit us (I'm sure she's right) and that she'll be a great help (again, I'm sure she's right) but to be honest, I'm not thrilled with the idea. I want to limit the number of people our newborn is around in the first few months and frankly, I want my privacy. I want to get into a groove figuring out how to mom before someone hops in the game with their own playbook, even if it does come with a bunch of assists (I'm not a sports person that may have sounded unwittingly stupid... heh).

I just don't know how to tell her. Or how to tell DH to tell her <_<

Don't get me wrong, I expect to be on the phone with her every week if not every day to ask her some thing or another about infant-rearing but a live-in MIL is not what I am bargaining for at this particular juncture, even if it is just for a month.

Another thing is that she joked she'd be pushing my mom out of the way while/after I give birth to see the baby. Which opened up another can of worms in my head. I think I'm okay with having the women-folk with me while I do the ultimate woman-thing but I'll have none of that.

And I just don't know how to address all this. I love her a lot and I want her to feel so welcome... like she's always made me feel. She also has expressed excitement that she has a chance to be a certain kind of grandma with her son's kids that she didn't get to be with her daughters' kids... <_<

Another thing to note is that I struggle with severe depression and PTSD, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was secretly concerned about my ability to actually cope with parenthood, the disturbed sleep, and the potential of postpartum issues interacting with what I'm already dealing with... I can honestly see a number of reasons she might be pressing the issue.

Literally any advice would be life.


**TLDR** MIL wants to move in to help with our first kid for the first month and I don't know how to address it. She's dropped hints about this for years (and I've just smiled) but now I can see she's serious.

Submitted October 31, 2018 at 11:38AM by UFOrganism
MIL wants to move in to help with our first kid MIL wants to move in to help with our first kid Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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