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My boyfriend (35M) gives me (32F) a “Wifey point system” for when he is going to propose. Should I be okay with this?

Okay so he does it jokingly but it’s so excessive it almost seems real at this point. It started because I pack him snacks and drinks for his work every day and my best friend warned me not to do wife work on a girlfriend salary. I told him what she said about 8 months ago so he devised a system of what he calls “wifey points.” They seem arbitrary, but for everything I do like pack snacks, clean, fold his laundry, make him food, etc. he’ll verbally say “plus 10 wifey points” or “plus 30.” When I forget things like packing him snacks or go to the kitchen and come back without his drink or something for him he’ll say “minus 50” or whatever. He’ll never tell me what number I’m at total, just that when I reach a certain amount he’ll propose. We’ve been together 2 years and have lived together for over a year.

I should note that we both work full time and I work remotely but I make more than him. I just started a second part time remote job and will be making considerably more than him when you combine both jobs (like over double what he makes and he makes a good amount). We split everything bill related except I buy 100% of the food and household supplies because I have two children and the three of us consume more than him (plus I make more money). I do the majority of the cooking/cleaning and handle anything miscellaneous like scheduling appointments for bug control/pool/lawn care/AC/etc. I get wifey points for everything I do, though, so there’s that.

My friend who warned me 8 months ago about the girlfriend salary thing HATES the wifey point system and calls it disgusting. She says I should do a “hubby point system” and just keep deducting points so he’s always at a negative, but that seems unnecessary to me. She says I should be proposed to and married before I do the job of a wife just like in the workplace, but he uses the analogy that you need to prove that you CAN do the job before being offered the promotion.

I enjoy packing him snacks and nurturing him, I really do. I’m just not sure how I should feel about the wifey point system, like if I should ask him to stop or just keep smiling and go with it. What should I do?

TLDR: My boyfriend has a system of “Wifey Points” for things I do for him like pack him snacks. When I earn enough I’ll get proposed to, but my friend absolutely hates this although he kind of does them in a joking manner, but now I’m not sure how I should feel about it.

Submitted July 31, 2022 at 09:31PM by ThrowRA-twitoes
My boyfriend (35M) gives me (32F) a “Wifey point system” for when he is going to propose. Should I be okay with this? My boyfriend (35M) gives me (32F) a “Wifey point system” for when he is going to propose. Should I be okay with this? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 01, 2022 Rating: 5

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