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My gf won’t take pics with me

My gf (25F) and I (24M) have been together a year I love her more than anyone I’ve been with and we get along pretty good but she never takes pics with me and it’s starting to weird me out

I’m the kinda guy who likes taking pics I’ve always like photography and stuff like that and she also likes taking picture but we never seem to take pics together, at first I was thinking it was an insecurity thing for her like if she wasn’t wearing makeup or she didn’t feel like taking pics, but when we were talkin about getting engaged she made it clear she wanted no photos taken I thought that seemed very weird

Whenever I bring up that I want us to take some pics together she flat out says no or says we will later then we never end up doing it she invited me to her family reunion, they were going to take a group photo of everyone there, her mom came up and told her to come for the pic and she left me there I knew I wasn’t invited bc when I asked if i was going to take the pic with them all she said ‘well unless you came out of my moms vagina then no’ I was shocked to say the least so I stood there like and idiot while they all took a bunch of pictures then later her mom asked why I wasn’t in the photo with everybody I told her it was because her daughter didn’t invite me since I wasn’t her son, my gf apologized for it, but it still sucked

I know it’s probably the dumbest thing to be upset for but I can’t help but think it’s weird, normally that’s all girls want is yo take pics it’s not like she’s trying to hide that we’re together or anything but i need help on how to address this

Any input or advice is welcome

tldr; my gf refuses to take pics with me even when we get engaged it’s giving me a weird feeling

Submitted August 29, 2022 at 11:23PM by dannybee2303
My gf won’t take pics with me My gf won’t take pics with me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 30, 2022 Rating: 5

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