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Would you immediately pack your bags and support your SO to do a 6-month travel around SE Asia?

My long-term boyfriend (27M) wants to take a 6-month break to travel around SE Asia. He's planning to quit his job before doing so.

He won't be working the whole time but I (23F) will be basically from 9-6. So essentially during Mon-Fri working hours, he will be out travelling somewhere (still near where I am) and I'd probably have to stay in a hostel or cafe to work then meet afterwards.

This travel will be very spontaneous and I'm the type of person who always plans things ahead so it's making me kinda anxious... I never went out of my bubble (except when I left my home country to work abroad) that's why I want to do this, to challenge myself I guess?

Things that make me anxious (lol) - Never really travelled solo in my life and as a woman, I'm kind of scared to travel alone on weekdays since I think I'll be jumping around cafes/malls if not at home. How do you feel safe travelling alone? - Is this setup doable or will I feel lonely or out of place since I'm technically working on weekdays? - I'm the tamed innocent girlfriend and he's the "tonight's the night" kind of guy, the fun type. Will it work or I'll just kill the fun? - What if we break up? Well I guess I can always book a flight back home.... right?

I really wanna support my boyfriend in this journey since I know how much this will help him get back up so it's important to me as much as it is for him. We're both young, in our mid 20s, loves travelling so I figured this will be the best time to do it.

P.S. This might be a make or break in our relationship. My job and life in general are both stable and he's still finding his purpose. He's not the LDR-type of person so that wouldn't work. My job is flexible enough to work anywhere in the world so I'm willing to adjust for him, damn love. I'm just anxious if I will be doing the right thing...

TL;DR: My boyfriend of almost 3 years wants to quit his job and travel around SE Asia for 6 months with me while I work remotely. I'm anxious about a lot of things mainly if it will be the right thing to do but I really wanna support him and get out of my comfort zone too.

Edit: We both live in Asia, I'm Asian, my home country is in Asia. So very Asian 😂

Submitted June 05, 2022 at 07:31PM by bytepat
Would you immediately pack your bags and support your SO to do a 6-month travel around SE Asia? Would you immediately pack your bags and support your SO to do a 6-month travel around SE Asia? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 06, 2022 Rating: 5

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