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Guy I've Been Seeing Photoshopped, Printed, and Framed Photos of Me in His Wall

This guy I'll name Steve (24) messaged me (22) last year on facebook randomly. We had never met before but I thought nothing of it. He had blocked me after he sent a message and would send me another one a few months later and block me again, repeating this process over and over again until in February he sent me his phone number, then he blocked me again. I decided to text him thinking I'd just troll him and move on with my life.

However, we texted for months and got super deep and got to know each other to the point where we both decided to grab coffee and meet in person in May. Immediately after our first date he wanted to have a relationship with me but I was really hesitant because he doesn't have a job and he's not in school, which just reads to me as not having his shit together. Anyway, we continue to talk and Steve is super sweet and I start to like him even more. I told him to pick me up at my home for our 2nd date because for some dumb reason felt like it was safe to do so as he seemed normal and not a threat to my safety. I told Steve to pick me up at 6, but I saw him sitting in his car across the street at 2 pm... I didn't think anything of it because I figured he has A LOT of free time and he's maybe running an errand?

During our dates he's really nice and laughs at all my jokes, but we don't really share much things in common. When we texted earlier on, I thought we had similar music tastes. But I look back now and I just see me talking about artists I like and him just sending Youtube links and remixes to their songs without really responding to anything of what I was talking about. Sometimes he texts me and it's like I'm talking to an AI. He'll randomly just say things like "I like driving and spending time with family :)" when he drops me off at home after a date. Or say things like "When I have free time I like to upload videos on Youtube and photography" and "Now I'm just a full time landlord" just like an AI would, randomly and repeatedly saying a specific prompt in a conversation.

Today, he sent me 2 photos of my old profile pictures framed. I thought it was super weird!!?? I look at it longer and realize he put a fake smile on me in picture 1 and smoothed my skin and made my eyes look huge in the 2nd picture. It creeped me out and I told him to take those photos down and that it was weird that he'd done that. Especially framing photos of me? After only knowing me for 1 month? And not even my original photos??? He had to alter my pictures to his idealized version of ME??

I don't want to end things because he's been really vulnerable with me in saying that he doesn't have any friends and that he's an only child. I feel like I'm the only person in his life right now and I don't want to mess things up and cause him any pain whatsoever. But I also don't feel any connection at all and only see him as a friend at this point. I don't really know what to do and feel lost and conflicted.


TL;DR!!! Him (24) and I (22) have been seeing each other for only about 2 weeks. He sent me a photo of my profile pictures framed today and it freaked me out, as we've only been on 3 dates so far. He's super sweet but he also kind of scares me? I don't know what to do because I don't want to break his heart or lead him on either.

Submitted June 08, 2022 at 01:16AM by Exciting_Librarian_3
Guy I've Been Seeing Photoshopped, Printed, and Framed Photos of Me in His Wall Guy I've Been Seeing Photoshopped, Printed, and Framed Photos of Me in His Wall Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 08, 2022 Rating: 5

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