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My (24M) Gf(27F) is in the beach with a Group of random boys that bought drinks for her and her friends. I don't know how to feel?

I don't know how to feel right now. My gf and I just had a conversation and it turns put she's at a beach 1 hour away from our City.

So, tonight the went out with her friends at around 10 pm, I called her at around 12 am just to check if all is good. She tells me everything is ok, they are at the bar and she drank some, she also told me that a guy from another table sent her a drink and her friends pushed into accepting it. Ok, that's weird, I tell her to be careful (she never ever drinks because she is very bad at handling alcohol so I was a little worried) and to text her dad where she is and to coordinate so he can pick her up later (her dad is a taxi driver so it is normal for her to ask him). She says ok and that she will text me when she gets home.

3 hours pass, I call her again just to check, but she doesn't answer, literally 16 calls later, at around 4am she answers, and tells me that after the last call a friend of her said she liked one of the guys from the other table and they talked to them and ended up going to the beach because he (the guy that bought my girlfriend her drink) has a house there. And that they were drinking but not her so much, and to trust her, that nothing happened nor will happen during the night and that she is still with her Group of friends, but that she is going to sleep in one of her friends house so she won't go back home tonight.

I feel very betrayed. I was worried for her safety all night, called her multiple times, and she, in all the process of talking, deciding to go to the beach and actually travelling there couldn't even send me a message (I know she has data because she sent me a text before, around the time of the first call). The whole thing sounds sketchy.

We have been togheter for 3 years and she has never done something like this, it is so uncaracteristic and very sketchy. I tell her to imagine this situation backwards, she would be breaking up with me if I did something like this so she says she understands that I am pissed.

I can't sleep, I have my final exams of the semester at 7 and it is 4:25 am

TL;DR: my girlfriend went out to drink with her friends and are now at the beach drinking with another Group of men.

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 01:27AM by quetimportacaretorta
My (24M) Gf(27F) is in the beach with a Group of random boys that bought drinks for her and her friends. I don't know how to feel? My (24M) Gf(27F) is in the beach with a Group of random boys that bought drinks for her and her friends. I don't know how to feel? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 29, 2022 Rating: 5

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