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My (20f) mom’s (47f) a cougar. sos

My mom and stepdad have recently gone through a divorce. My mom was the one who initiated the divorce and has started to date again. I’ve known she wasn’t concerned with an age difference prior because my stepdad is 11 years younger than her. I love my stepdad and never had any problems with it as he’s been in his 30s. It is perfectly fine to get back out there and I of course want my mom to be happy, but she’s now dating men that are way too young in my opinion. She’s downloaded dating apps and is dating and sleeping with men in their early 20s. As her 20 year old daughter, I think it’s kinda gross and i feel uncomfortable. I think about scenarios of bringing guys I’m dating home and I don’t want to because of her. I also have an older brother who’s 22. She shouldn’t be sleeping with boys her sons age. She also has my half brother who is eight and will leave us to watch him while she hooks up or goes out with these guys. I think she’s being inconsiderate to her kids and maybe going through a weird mid life phase.

I have addressed this to her multiple times, but she has always stuck with her opinion that she’s an adult and can do whatever she wants. She claims she doesn’t owe her kids anything because she spent her whole life raising us. I don’t believe she necessarily is not allowed to do what she’s doing but it’s made us all u comfortable. Age gaps don’t normally offend me when appropriate, but this has been a huge conflict in our relationship as of the past year. Thoughts on how I should handle it? .

Tl;dr: my mom and stepdad haves recently divorced and my mom has started to date guys my age range (20-24) I’m supportive of her moving on and being happy, but I think she’s aiming way too young. It’s uncomfortable to think she’s interested in men her daughter and son’s age. Especially this young.

Submitted January 16, 2022 at 05:53PM by howdy_blue
My (20f) mom’s (47f) a cougar. sos My (20f) mom’s (47f) a cougar. sos Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 17, 2022 Rating: 5

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