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My (F,27) and SO (M,27) work in thesame place, how do i breakup with him “Amicably”?

My (F,27) boyfriend (M, 27) and I have been working at our company for 2 years now and dating for almost 8 months, everything was going okay, or so i thought. He’s the kind of person that loves romantic, lovey dovey, movie, kind of love. He’s also soft and very very emotional, which is kind of making all this hard for me. I’ve always known that he’s more into me and the relationship more than i do but i thought i’ll het there one day because i really wanted this work out, i like him as a person and liked his character, i guess we’re just not “meant to be” The problem is that he thinks i’m into the relationship, way more that i actually am, because one day we went to the cinema to watch a movie, while i was on my period and very hormonal, and very emotional. so we were making out and i started crying, and he just automatically believed i was crying because of how much i love him. So every now and then he’d bring that up to prove that “i’ve showed him i love him soo much” thats why he loves me even more. At a point i tried to explain to him that it was because i was hormonal but he dismissed it and said i was just saying that because i dont like comfronting my feelings and showing too much emotions. A few weeks back we had issues and we decided to take a break or atleast take it slow. (The issue being that his family doesnt approve of me and where i came from, when you as a woman marries a person, you’re marrying him and his family. The first time his mum saw my picture, she said i was too ugly for her son, but he said he apolizes on her behalf because she was just joking so i let it go). Since after we decided to take a break, i’ve now realized that i actually enjoy not being with him and i’d rather we’re not together anymore, i really did love him at some point but at this point, everytime i go back and re-read our “romantic” texts, i cringe and everytime i look at his pictures i realize how i am not attracted to him anymore, not even in the least, but i do care for him as a friend and a human being. But to him he thinks i’m suffering as much as he is because the last time we texted he was praying about how we hopes God makes it easy for both of us but i really am okay with it. I really dont want to hurt him but i think he deserves someone who would love him the way he wants, one of the reason i held on for this long was because i felt bad and guilty because he has told me several times that no one has ever showed him the kind of love i show him and no one has ever put in enough effort to reciprocate the love he has, but at this point i do feel it anymore. I’ll be leaving for a one month annual leave by ending of this week, so.. How do i split up with him amicably so there will be no hatred or animosity between us?

TL;DR; my SO and I work in thesame place, how do i amicably breakup with him without hurting his feelings and causing any hatred or animosity between us?

Submitted December 05, 2021 at 06:52AM by yourtoxicex
My (F,27) and SO (M,27) work in thesame place, how do i breakup with him “Amicably”? My (F,27) and SO (M,27) work in thesame place, how do i breakup with him “Amicably”? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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