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Fell in love with a girl that i will probably never see again. Really need help.

Hi everyone, i (M 25), fell in love for a girl (22) that i will probably not see again.

I'm currently working in Norway for a sort of cultural exchange in a small farm, hosted by a Norwegian family. This girl is Austrian and we arrived here pretty much during the same period and, even tho i've met maaany other people during this experience, i just can't get her off my mind. We have so much fun together, i make her laugh a lot and she does too, i feel very comfortable with her and we really understand each other a lot. I've started to feel this very strong connection after getting to know her better and i know it may sound stupid but i really, really didn't want this. After some bad things that happened to me, i just wanted to focus on my life and that's why i'm doing this experience. But it happened, and now i'm struggling a lot with this.

One month ago, she left this place to go work somewhere else for a couple of weeks and we were talking a lot on the phone via messages, and after awhile for me it was ok just like that.

But now, a couple of days ago she came back here and she's going to stay here up until next Monday, then she's going to go back to Austria for good. I wasn't 100% sure of what i was feeling, but now, after a couple of days together after she came back, i feel like i REALLY, REALLY like her, and i just like so much being with her, making her laugh, working with her and everything else.

The only problem is that she's a very "direct" person and not very open about her feelings or emotions in general (i hope i explained well what i mean) and it's SO DAMN hard to tell what she's thinking or how she feels, i've never struggled so much with anyone before.

I really don't know what to do and also i only have a couple of days left since her departure, i just really need some advice.

Thanks in advance for reading my story and sorry for the length of the post.

Tl;dr Fell in love for a foreign girl in a foreign country but she's going back home soon. Really feeling like crap and don't know what to do.

Submitted December 10, 2021 at 08:21AM by ryuuzzo
Fell in love with a girl that i will probably never see again. Really need help. Fell in love with a girl that i will probably never see again. Really need help. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 11, 2021 Rating: 5

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