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My (20sF) bf (30sM) didn’t get me anything for my birthday and I think it signals a deeper issue

I’m on mobile so sorry for the formatting, I also made a throwaway because I don’t want anyone I know to see this.

So for some background: My boyfriend and I have have been together a little over a year and we live together. I work and go to school full time, my dad helps me pay for a lot of stuff the only thing I don’t pay for is rent. However, I do pay for everything I eat/need/do/want because I don’t want to be a freeloader. For my boyfriends birthday I didn’t spend a crazy amount of money and we set a limit for Christmas presents so that was fine. Not too long before my birthday I told my boyfriend I don’t want anything except chocolate strawberries because I know he’s not great with gifts and thought it would be easy enough.

My birthday: So my birthday comes and I wake up and he’s at work (he works weekends). I was kind of excited and hopped to the kitchen hoping to find the chocolate covered strawberries or a card or post it but there was nothing. Not too long after I woke up he texted me happy birthday and a short little paragraph.

I’m thinking okay he’s smart he’s going to bring them to me fresh so that I can eat them after we have dinner (dinner only happened because I planned it and invited my brother and sil and dad so that I could at least do something as opposed to being sad all day). Well he comes home after work...... empty handed. Not even a card. Honestly it stung just because I never really expected him to spend a crazy amount of money or anything.

We go to dinner everything and everything was fine, I was just grateful to be around family. We get home, we settle in and just go to sleep but honestly I’m just so bummed the whole time. The next day I’m still bummed and at night we finally talk about it and he kinda just makes it about him? I told him that I never expected anything expensive I just wanted him to show me that he cares. I would’ve been happy with a handwritten note or card just something. Next thing you know he’s going on about how he feels like shit and he doesn’t know what’s wrong with him. I kinda felt like my feelings weren’t even acknowledged. Talking to him now is a lot harder because I look at him and it just hurts. I’m not even angry just more so disappointed.

I guess I’m just wondering what to do next or how to talk about this and his behavior?

TLDR: bf didn’t get me anything for my bday, we spoke about he somehow turned it and made it about it and now I don’t know how to proceed with my emotions or speaking with him

Submitted March 22, 2021 at 01:43PM by throwawaybfbdaydrama
My (20sF) bf (30sM) didn’t get me anything for my birthday and I think it signals a deeper issue My (20sF) bf (30sM) didn’t get me anything for my birthday and I think it signals a deeper issue Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 22, 2021 Rating: 5

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