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Is it "true love" when I (25F) find myself rolling my eyes at or inwardly judging how my partner (32M) shares his opinions or tackles certain topics?

I'm wondering if redditors in happy relationships ever find themselves not agreeing with just the simplest matters with their partners and not sharing it with them for fear of hurting them.

I find myself disagreeing and judging him for small things like the phrases he uses in conversations or his taste in pop culture or how mushy he easily gets. It's almost anything, really. It gets me thinking if I really just have exacting tastes or am just unnecessarily mean to him.

We just hit our third anniversary if you're interested in how long we've been together.

TL;DR: I often judge (and inwardly disapproves) how my partner carries conversations or cites his perspective and wonder if this is normal for couples.

Submitted December 26, 2020 at 10:00AM by Crazystupidlock
Is it "true love" when I (25F) find myself rolling my eyes at or inwardly judging how my partner (32M) shares his opinions or tackles certain topics? Is it "true love" when I (25F) find myself rolling my eyes at or inwardly judging how my partner (32M) shares his opinions or tackles certain topics? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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