I (28F) want to be married to my partner of 5 years (31M) before we buy property together, even though we are common law married, am I being unreasonable?
Supposedly the market is good right now for small places, we are currently renting and he is really sick of landlords and inspection bullshit. His dad was helping his cousin move in to her new place and offered to help with a down payment when he gets a place. My parents have saved some money from their parents wills they said they are saving for a. When I get married and b. When I want to put a down payment on a place.
He is working a steady full time public service job, I'm working for the library part time because I quit my legal job due to health reasons. Our law means we are de facto due to living together for nearly 4 years, which means if we were to break up I am entitled to a fair portion of assets even if we aren't married.
I know he wants to get married and have kids but he doesnt have the same biological clock I do! He said I'd "at least be engaged by 30" but talking about saving for a housing deposit now. I told him straight out I wouldn't go on a mortgage with him unless we were married but he keeps talking about how our parents can help and where I'd like to live.
And before anyone says "why don't you just ask?" we have an agreement that he'd make the next step in the relationship because I asked him out and asked to move in together first. Am I being silly? It won't really affect me legally/financially speaking either way.
TLDR: BF wants to buy a place now while the property market is favourable, I want to be married before being on mortgage together, the legal outcome if we split would be the same so he's trying to convince to buy without the ring
Submitted December 04, 2020 at 07:20PM by lunabuddy https://ift.tt/2VDFfh1
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