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My ( 30m ) fiancé ( 28f) is terrified after a road rage incident. How can I fix this?

For this to make sense I guess I have to give a little back story. I grew up in a very bad place and did very bad things until I was old enough to join the military. I spent six years fighting for my country. Zero ego stroking involved here when I say I am VERY capable in physical altercations That is a fact.

My lady and I got into a pretty routine fender bender on Friday. Normally that wouldn’t be an issue but the other driver lost his goddamn mind. He shattered the driver side window ( my fiancé was driving ) with what I believe was a tire iron and was in general a serious fucking threat. I responded the only way I really know how. With a vicious and disabling counter attack of my own. I was scared for her and he was armed. I do not deny hurting him rather badly but I maintain that I did not hurt him any more than was absolutely necessary. At the time I thought I handled it really well and kept my cool in a really bad spot. I completely understand why witnessing violence could be jarring and scary for my fiancé. Myself and the cops who responded did our best to offer her every bit of comfort we could.

After we went home so I could shower and clean out the car. Once that was done she asked me to leave for a little bit. I understood. We touched base a few times on Saturday but she obviously still needed space so I gave it to her. Sunday morning she asked me to meet her for brunch so I did thinking she was feeling better. I was wrong. She isn’t sure she can continue to be with me. She keeps saying I didn’t do anything wrong but that she’s scared of me. She keeps reiterating that I was smiling the whole time and seemed to be happy to hurt him. I’ve tried to explain that I wasn’t consciously smiling and that I’ve never enjoying hurting anyone. Now suddenly the time I spent in the service makes her nervous..she’s visibly scared of me and it’s killing me. I’ve never raised my voice in anger towards her! Nothing even bordering on abuse/violence towards her and now I’m suddenly some war ruined lunatic because I protected her?! I’m not sure how coherent this is. I don’t know what to do. I just want to go home. Her sisters have started calling me and they have been pretty clear she and they think I’m a psycho now and generally being really abusive and degrading towards me.

I don’t know how to fix this. I just didn’t want her to get fucking killed and now I’m going to lose everything.

TL,DR : Someone attacked us after a traffic accident and I defended us. Now she’s scared and I don’t know what to do.

Submitted June 29, 2020 at 02:26PM by Laying_PipeNYC
My ( 30m ) fiancé ( 28f) is terrified after a road rage incident. How can I fix this? My ( 30m ) fiancé ( 28f) is terrified after a road rage incident. How can I fix this? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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