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My (28m) fiancé (26f) has been acting distant since the pandemic. Suppose to marry during, things if snowballed dramatically.

Firstly, prior to the pandemic we have been madly in love. I typically work long hours and gym at night on weekdays, we were limited in time spent (live together) but spend every weekend together. Our wedding was planned for end of May which was a brutal stress point and we postponed till a later date (which will have to be postponed again).

Once the pandemic hit, we were on top of each other in our 1bd apartment. She constantly FaceTimed with her family and all of her siblings were home (plane ride away in GA)and she was jealous. She started planning to go home, but I had to remind her were were in the beginning of a pandemic - - eventually it didn’t matter and her desire to be home with family took over as she seemed pretty miserable here. She was counting the days to the flight which was mid April. She wanted to escape from me.

Fast forward, she is LOVING being home. She’s like a college student with no responsibility, working in the week and hanging with friends on weekends (even sleeping over her best friends house EVERY Friday and Saturday). She’s loving being with her family which she doesn’t get to do so often since she lives a plane ride away. However, our plan was for me to come visit end of May and take the flight that was previously booked (for our wedding) so we can be together for what would’ve been our wedding day. Leading up to the flight (like a week before) she expressed doubt via FaceTime of me coming and said her primary issue is a sex issue (which has been known by us previously) but feels it intensified. She even offered to send the ring back.. Needless to say, this scarred the shit out of me. I spoke calmly and carefully and eventually convinced her I’ll do everything I can to solve our issue and that I was coming to see her no matter what!

Fast forward again, I arrive. She acts extremely weird towards me and the entire time it’s like I’m clawing to win my fiancé back. Me and her dad are close, and he is a wonderful man with an immense amount of wisdom. We speak In-depth in private for 2+ hours and determine my fiancé is unhappy with her job, stressed with wedding day coming up and being manipulated by her best friend (who she sleeps over every weekend). The “wedding day” arrives and she’s acting more her self and her parents create a marvelous evening and we seem much more i sync and loving.. I feel it’s getting better. The following day comes, and the riots hit. She starts freaking out that I may have to delay my trip (she was counting the days for me to leave apparently). I delay, she is not happy but knows I have a flight home booked in a few days. Now, the new flight day comes and there’s a chance of me delaying leaving again and she absolutely loses her shit! - - i sense it’s wrong and decide I’m leaving. We agree on giving her space - enjoy time w family and friends while she can and she’ll come home soon.

Fast forward to now. She is still going to her best friends house every weekend and 1 night in the week. She’s sleeping over at night, saying she is hanging with a few friends.
Here is the major kicker and red flag: I FaceTime her last week and she declines, saying her friends sleeping and can’t talk (to me, she should go outside, but whatever and I digress). Now last night she called me and slipped she’s been sleeping at her friend (boy that her BFF is hooking up) house on the couch!! I’m stunned and immediately tell her that’s weird. She says they drink there and pass out instead of driving home (which leads me to believe that it wasn’t a one time thing).

I go to FaceTime her this morning and she doesn’t answer. She is a VERY light sleeper and says at 9:30am (late for her) “sleeping xo”.. Again, WEIRD. I FaceTime her, she fucking ANSWERS and can tell she didn’t mean to and immediately hang up. Then doesn’t answer any of my texts or calls until 1230pm.

Insult to injury, her other friend posted a Instagram story and her ex bf is there at the hang out.

So tonight I seriously FREAKED on her in a calm, serious and anger toned. In a nutshell, let her know she’s acting like a 19 year old and not of someone in a committed relationship. Told her to get serious or I’m leaving.

Tl;dr: fiancé acting distant and going over her best friend house (sleeping over) often. May be cheating. Also, prior to this wanted me to leave when I visited her.

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 08:01PM by gregrulz02
My (28m) fiancé (26f) has been acting distant since the pandemic. Suppose to marry during, things if snowballed dramatically. My (28m) fiancé (26f) has been acting distant since the pandemic. Suppose to marry during, things if snowballed dramatically. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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