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What is a fair split between my SO (42M) and myself (34F) for household chores? We both work.

My SO has been implying that I’m lazy lately so I’m wondering if our current setup is somehow unfair.

He works bad hours - sleeping early and waking up at 2 AM and has to spend 10 hours on the road driving. I on the other hand work corporate and during COVID have been working from home. My SO has made it very clear that my “white collar job” is far less taxing than his and he is always tired when he comes home. However my job also is 2x more than he makes and because I manage my finances well while he is in debt, I pay 3/4 of the rent, 75% of the groceries, and other misc expenses like his child’s preschool or random stuff we need for the house like our home gym, TV, furniture for his kids and also our vacations.

He also has two kids that he currently had 5 days a weeks.

Right now, I do all the cooking except for one day every week or so where he grills. I usually try to do the dishes after he or I cook to keep the load down in the sink but sometimes I will let them pile up because originally he agreed to do the dishes (I only started doing them to help him out because he would let them pile up until the weekend because he was “too tired” to do it and would just veg out on netflix all night).

He does the laundry and also cleans the apartment once a week. He also bathes his younger child unless he is too tired occasionally in which I will do it.

I get his child ready in the morning for school and drive him there and also put the kid to bed at night. I do a lot of the mental management of the kids as well (dealing with their arguments, helping older kid with HW, watching them) because he is usually “too tired” as well.

My question is, is this a fair split? He has been implying that he is far more productive than me and now I feel bad, like I need to step up more and do the dishes entirely or clean the house while I’m working from home. But I also don’t want to be the one managing his kids, doing chores and also paying for stuff just because I was fortunate enough to be financially privileged.

TLDR I am the breadwinner but also do a share of cooking/cleaning/watching the kids. My SO has a much harder job than me and I am wondering if I should be doing more.

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 11:31AM by turnipbuyerfeast
What is a fair split between my SO (42M) and myself (34F) for household chores? We both work. What is a fair split between my SO (42M) and myself (34F) for household chores? We both work. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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