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My boss [37M] takes his anger out on me [26F] and my coworkers.

I have been working at a job I love for the last 3 years. The work is exactly what I want to do and my coworkers are my closest friends. The only problem is my boss. He will go from being friendly and encouraging me to be a leader one week to being moody and unapproachable the next week.

When he is upset at something that his employees (me and 5 other people aged between 26 and 64) have accidentally done wrong, instead of calmly correcting us, he will come at us yelling and swearing. It has gotten to the point that if my coworkers have a question about work, they would rather call me on my day off than ask my boss who is there. Everyone just keeps their heads down when he's around. We are good employees, everyone has great work ethic and follows the rules, he has no reason to treat us like trash.

A year or so ago, my boss threw a pizza crust at me and then spiked a Pepsi bottle off the windshield of my work vehicle. I couldn't tell if he was angry or "just playing around." I cried all afternoon at work after he did that to me. He apologized later but also can't believe an adult man would throw things at his employees.

He also refuses to talk to most of his department. There is only 6 workers and he will basically only talk to me and one other employee. If something needs to get done, he will only tell us and then make us pass it along to the other 4. He refuses to communicate with them so it adds a lot to my plate trying to basically do his job by directing my coworkers. He's essentially made me into a middle man and I feel bad that he ignores everyone else, they deserve common courtesy and acknowledgement.

This isn't just a problem with me, everyone in our department agrees that this is a problem. My coworkers have told me he makes them dread coming into work when otherwise they would look forward to it. Even people in other departments and other managers have issues with him. He has made another manager [40F] cry at work as well. But he will talk very kindly to his bosses and put on a professional attitude around his "higher ups" like the CEO.

Most of the people who have left my department in the past have quit because of him. I do not want to quit, this job is the field I've always wanted to work in, it's why I got my degree. I love my coworkers dearly and the institution is great. It's just my boss. Do you have advice for what to do? My coworkers have tried to calmly talk to him before about how horribly he treats us and he always apologizes but then will go back to being verbally and sometimes physically abusive within weeks.

Tl;dr: boss swears and yells and throws things at me but I dont want to quit my dream job.

Submitted June 28, 2020 at 07:19AM by salvia-
My boss [37M] takes his anger out on me [26F] and my coworkers. My boss [37M] takes his anger out on me [26F] and my coworkers. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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