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My (27M) best friend (27F) of 10 years asked me to quarantine with her. 2 months later, she's upset I didn't pay rent and our friendship is in serious jeopardy

When quarantine started, we spent a lot of time talking on FaceTime. Eventually, we expressed how much we missed hanging out in person and she asked me multiple times to move in with her. I was living in my apartment with a roommate who no longer talked to me and things were a little tense (he is bipolar and was dealing with his own stuff). However, I was working from home and overall accepting the situation. After a few weeks of repeatedly telling me I should move in with her, I accepted her offer and moved my office over to her and her bf's place because I missed her a lot too.

After 2 weeks of moving in, my roommate asked me if I was coming back. I was unsure of what to respond and she drafted a text telling him I wouldn't be returning "anytime soon." I felt the text made sense so I sent it. A month and a half later, she confronted me about how she was upset that I wasn't contributing towards rent. I offered to pay but I was already set to leave in 2 weeks so she said it wasn't necessary and that she just wanted to be transparent about how she felt. I agreed to pay for household/cleaning items, etc, as she said that would suffice.

A week before leaving, she confronts me again saying that I should've offered to just pay rent and now she feels like she's been taken advantage of. At first I tried to be understanding, but after some thought expressed that this felt unfair. Some key issues here:

-She claims I was there for almost 4 months and that she "doesn't know anyone who would stay with someone that long and not offer rent." I was there for less than 3 months.

-She is claiming that she never invited me to move in. I have at least 5 texts from her specifically asking me to move in.

- She says that she "was just trying to help" and that she now realizes she was too generous. I never asked for her help, I thought she wanted me to quarantine with her so we could chill. She is also blaming me for not "sorting out my situation" at my apartment so I could contribute to her and her bf's expenses.

-After talking to her bf about having a meeting with the three of us about this issue (he mainly agreed that it was unfair, although she always approached me claiming to speak for the both of them) she is saying that I crossed a line and created a rift in their relationship. She asked me to take my stuff and leave.

-As I was trying to pack and leave, she began yelling at me, calling me "ungrateful" and a bunch of names (f*ing idiot, etc). When I refused to respond to her attacks she started grabbing my things and throwing them out of her apartment.

I have been living with my parents for a few days now. We are set to have a conversation about everything today. We signed a lease in a bigger place for the three of us and we were set to move in about a week. I am stunned at her actions but I am unsure if I am justified. Is it worth trying to salvage things and continue with our plans to live together?

TL;DR My best friend of 10+ years asked me to leave my apartment and quarantine with her and her bf so we could all hang out, 2 months later she is upset at me for not offering to pay rent and verbally attacked me while I tried to leave. We all signed a lease on a new place together but I don't even know if we should be friends at this point.

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 07:59AM by helloaways
My (27M) best friend (27F) of 10 years asked me to quarantine with her. 2 months later, she's upset I didn't pay rent and our friendship is in serious jeopardy My (27M) best friend (27F) of 10 years asked me to quarantine with her. 2 months later, she's upset I didn't pay rent and our friendship is in serious jeopardy Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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