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Are my boyfriend’s (25M) behaviors normal and am I too sensitive (25F)

We’ve been together 2 years and so much has happened. He tells me I’m too sensitive and stuff isn’t a big deal. I need someone to tell me if I’m crazy:

-I bought him a Christmas present from Amazon that was a slightly cheaper version of what he wanted bc I couldn’t afford the pricier version. It was dead on arrival. He flipped out saying nothing In his life goes right and that I bought him a piece of shit.

-We sat down to eat at the coffee table with me sitting on the right. I wiped my mouth with my napkin, and placed it next to my plate on the left. He accidentally picked it up and wiped his mouth, thinking it was a fresh one. When he realized the mistake, he blew up and started screaming at me saying I shouldn’t have put it there. I should have known to put the napkin on my right side.

-He likes the AC really low and on constantly. I get really cold, so one day I put on a sweater. When I’ve asked to adjust the AC in the past, it’s turned into an argument. He started yelling at me saying that “something must be wrong with me” and that I’m crazy/sick for wearing a sweater when it was hot outside.

-He leaves all of his clothes strewn around on the dining table chairs. I moved them all and laid them out across his desk chair, which is next to his closet, so it would be easier for him to hang back up. He threw a fit about me placing his clothes on a “dirty surface.”

-He has a specific towel for hands only, and another for face only. One day, I used what I thought was one of his hand towels but it was actually a slightly bigger towel that he uses when he’s shaving. When he saw, he got really angry and went on about how now he had no clean towels left and I ruined the clean one.

-When he plays video games, it’s only a matter of time before he gets so frustrated that he throws his controller or punches the couch out of nowhere.

-Traveled to a hotel. The parking divider slightly rubbed against his mirror. We got out and checked - not a single mark on his mirror. He furiously parked the car, screaming about hating his life. He popped his trunk, grabbed his bag and started storming off as I was still at the trunk. I said “wait for me!” as I was struggling to lift my bag and he was already at the elevator. He absolutely lost it, came back, yanked my bag out of my hand and screamed “what do you expect me to carry both bags?!?!!??” He then violently dragged the bags saying “eff you,” to me. We got inside the room, I tried to talk. He kept screaming and saying he didn’t want to talk to me. He grabbed my bag and threw it outside and told me to get out.

Please help. I don’t even know what to call this or what to do

Tl;dr I can’t understand my boyfriends erratic behavior. Please help.

Submitted June 28, 2020 at 04:55AM by throwsndskakakx
Are my boyfriend’s (25M) behaviors normal and am I too sensitive (25F) Are my boyfriend’s (25M) behaviors normal and am I too sensitive (25F) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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