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My (22f) friend's (20f) boyfriend (32) makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Is it wrong to cut him off?

I don't want to get too much into the details because it would be a lot to type, but we're supposed to meet up to talk this week about him and I want to know if I'm going too far. Basically I hate him and and he makes me so uncomfortable I plan on telling her that if our friendship is to continue then he can't be around me.

My close friend (we'll call her Liz) has had this boyfriend (Dave) since last summer, and has become just completely attached. I don't mind this, but since then I've seen her maybe 7 times? I've been around him I believe 5 times. Each of these times he has done something to overstep his boundaries that I've found rude and actually downright uncomfortable. The second time I met him my bf and I had people over, and the next day Liz left him with us all day until she got off from work at 9 pm. We told her we had things to do and were told he would have somebody pick him up early in the day. Instead Dave spent the day consistently kissing and trying to cuddle me as well as my boyfriend, and when we would sit together he kept inserting himself in between. He also told me detailed stories about how he's gotten violently drunk and has had to be removed from ex's apartments. THIS was my 2nd ever impression of him.

Other factors weighing in on my opinion:

  1. HE GAVE HER HERPES. He said he didn't know he had it, but another friend found out he at least had a scare with other women in 2017 (she had the screenshots to prove it as well)
  2. He is 32 with no career ambitions, and I've learned that dating girls as young as Liz is his MO. He has no car, practically no savings, and had no job until he found a serving gig and moved up here.
  3. He likes to pick up her phone for her and have her put phone calls on speaker, and has prevented me from speaking with her myself over the phone. The way she texts me since dating him has gotten progressively more rude and standoff-ish. It comes off very controlling
  4. As far as I know, this has gotten better, but he used to often coerce her into having sex with him whenever she wasn't necessarily in the mood.
  5. He's oversteps his boundaries and overstays his welcome with my boyfriend and I. He thinks because we are so close with Liz that he automatically has free reign to skip the 1st impression/decency phase with us.

I have tried to talk to Liz about past events without much luck. She always ignores me for several days and then blames it all on a miscommunication. Recently it became too much and I finally told her the extent of how I really felt. I honestly feel he is a predator and a potentially dangerous person, and I'm not alone in feeling this way. The majority of our friends dislike him but they don't want to cause conflict because they want to see if he can change first. I know this may mean losing my friend, but at this point I don't see much room for me to start over with him given the above details and while I understand she is an adult and capable of her own decisions, want to make it clear that when we are together I expect that he is nowhere near me. Is that too much to ask?

TLDR: Friend's boyfriend is extra creepy and rude, I want to tell her that I don't want him around me but am scared it may be an over-the-top request.

Submitted February 25, 2019 at 12:00AM by canriderollercoaster
My (22f) friend's (20f) boyfriend (32) makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Is it wrong to cut him off? My (22f) friend's (20f) boyfriend (32) makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Is it wrong to cut him off? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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