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Should I anonymously tell the wife my friend is having an affair with her husband ?

I'm sick to death of my friend talking to me about her affair with this man. I've told her so many times and so have other friends, how wrong it is. She has lost jobs and friends over this. I think the reason I am still friends with her is because I've known her since I was 17 and I am now 28.

Normally I don't care about what people do, it's how they decide to live their own lives and that's on them. When I see her it's all she talks about, she only wants to speak about this subject if I speak about myself she will ignore me and carry on about her affair. More recently she has a very weird hate for his children and says really disgraceful things about them and I'm finding it really hard to keep my patience. She has a sense of entitlement that he belongs to her and his wife is a bad person. Even when I broach the subject and say "you know his wife's been there before you" she will ask me where my loyalty lies and accuse me of being a shit friend and I'm just soooo done. I asked her what if people find out she said she didn't care, which is why I'm so done because it's like she enjoys it. I got married 4 years ago and I have wanted to say "look I'm married I'd be devasted if it happened to me its your fault too". She is under the impression that because he says they aren't happy that she isn't wrecking a home, I am thinking hello they don't need a third person to make it harder even if I they aren't a happy home. I'm really sick and tired of her and I have a guilty conscience at this point too because sometimes I see his wife around and children, our town is very small. I ran into her sister who I've known for a while but not close to and she is nice too, I feel like when you know people who know them it just hits you more and I don't know if it's age or my own marriage I'm starting to feel really bad for the wife and can't bare to look at my friend.

Along with all this she's really lost as a person, I am thinking if his wife finds out then maybe he will leave my friend alone so she can start her own life and become her own person again. I'm scared to hurt her feelings and scared to see her waste another 10 years.

They have been seeing eachother for nearly 10 years on and off, he's had 4 kids with this other woman and she has turned 30 this year and he is 34.

tl;dr: my friends having an affair for 10 years and I'm fed up of her wasting her life. Shall I tell the wife anonymously ?

EDIT: I don't wanna tell her upfront because I don't want to loose my friend.

Submitted January 02, 2019 at 09:21AM by blueplantoffical
Should I anonymously tell the wife my friend is having an affair with her husband ? Should I anonymously tell the wife my friend is having an affair with her husband ? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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