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I (27f) offered to foster a kitten for two weeks for a friend (31f) but now it's been a month and a half and I don't want to give the kitten back.

So my good friend A's cat had an oops litter back in September and asked if I wanted a kitten. I said yes but it would have to come home with me after a trip I went on in November. She said that's fine and we made arrangements for her to drop off my kitten, Moony, after I got back.

Well the week before I get back she asks if I would take Remy as well so their mom can go into heat and stop producing milk. I said sure no problem, I figured it would make the transition easier and it was only for two weeks. Thus the day after Thanksgiving I took I two two and a half month old kittens.

Now it's been a month and a half and I still have both kittens here. They are obviously attached to each other, if they aren't both cuddling me or each other they are in the same room within a few feet of each other. I rarely see one more than ten feet from each other even though my whole house is open to them.

So today I text A and tell her I don't think I want to give Remy back because they have obviously bonded and I'm worried about both of them if they get separated at this point (four months old, been together since day one) and A tells me it will be fine because she still has the kittens mom. When I told her that wouldn't make a difference she said I was being unfair and that she didn't want to break her promise to her son about getting "his" kitten back. But of course she also isn't making plans to come pick up Remy (I don't drive).

Tldr offered a short term foster that's turned into a much longer foster and now I don't want it to be a foster situation but my friend is saying I'm being unfair.

Am I being unfair in trying to keep both? Or is this on her for not following through a month ago?

Edit: the original foster agreement was for two weeks. She and I agreed that she would come back to get them around the 14th of December

Submitted January 01, 2019 at 04:05PM by DrayKitty1331
I (27f) offered to foster a kitten for two weeks for a friend (31f) but now it's been a month and a half and I don't want to give the kitten back. I (27f) offered to foster a kitten for two weeks for a friend (31f) but now it's been a month and a half and I don't want to give the kitten back. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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