Me [34/F] and my wife [36/F] of two years can’t figure out Christmas plans with my parents [65/F and 61/M]
So, I’ll try not to ramble too much but do need to provide some context.
I am very close with my family. My wife is not at all close with hers to a point where I still haven’t met most of them. My mom and stepdad live within a six-hour driving distance of us. They’ve lived there for a year and a half, and we haven’t been out to their house yet because we have limited time off work and my mom (who is retired) always drives out here to visit. For Christmas this year, we invited them to our house, but they really want us to come out there.
The problem is twofold. My wife wants to just have Christmas at our house the two of us since we always do stuff with my mom. Furthermore, my parents are close friends with their next-door neighbors—who are homophobic Baptists and always at their house. Obviously with us being a lesbian couple, this isn’t great news. My wife doesn’t want to be around people like that since she grew up Evangelical and feels really stressed in that environment. Likewise, I’m not keen to spend a bunch of time with them myself.
But I don’t really know what to do because my wife and I had talked it over before, and she seemed open to going. I said that as a compromise, maybe we could go Fri-Sun and then we’d still have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off together at home. would you handle this? Would you go see your parents for a few days? Go the whole time? Not go at all? Go without your wife?
P.S. Visiting them over Thanksgiving isn’t an option bc we have plans to go to New Orleans that week already.
TL;DR My wife and I can’t agree on whether to spend Christmas at my parents or do stuff on our own. Not sure what the best compromise is.
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 07:13AM by razzmatazz2000
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