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I 25(M) Girlfriend 23(F) Said I'm Too Available and Wants a Break. What To Do?

Before I dig into the situation, let me give a bit a background on our relationship so far. I am 25(M) and she is 23. We have been together for 8 months now (4 months of being “official”). For the first couple weeks we were seeing each other once per week, which then progressed into twice a week, and now we see each other 3 times per week. We text every daily by exchanging a total of roughly 10 messages, with an average reply time of 1 hour. We speak on the phone only once per week.

A few days ago, at the conclusion of a dinner date, she mentioned she was feeling very emotional due to a past relationship and was considering having a break (it was more of a situation-ship that ended with the guy gradually pulling away and eventually ghosting her).

Fast forward to two days ago, she texted me confirming she wants a break and stated that it was my fault for being “too available”, which has caused a “lack of excitement” for her. She stated she’s always felt this way with both texting and dates. It feels “too easy” for her, where with other guys she’s had to wait longer to see them and wait longer for a reply via text. This took me by surprise, if it was still in the early stages (first month or two), I would be more understanding. But we are 8 months into seeing each other, I have met her parents several times and had dinner with them, we have spent a couple weekends away together and have a two-week holiday planned later in the year. I thought the point of being in a relationship IS being available for each other (within reason of course).

Now, am I “too available”? Possibly, I do plan 95% of our dates as she is not a person who takes initiative. I plan dates around MY SCHEDULE (where funnily enough, she is always able to attend, if anything, this makes her more “too available” than me, but anyway). I work the typical 9 to 5 job - 5 days a week, go gym every day, spend time with my family, and see friends once per week. My life doesn’t revolve around our relationship as I’m still able to do the things I want to do.

My response to her text message was simply “ok cool” and we haven’t spoken since. It’s been almost 48 hours now. I still love her and a break obviously hurts, but I understand the best thing to do now is to give her space to deal with her emotions. But how do we move forward from here? CAN we move on from this? My conclusion to this is she lacks maturity and is probably seeking a relationship with more drama which indicates she is not ready for something more serious.

TL;DR - GF wants a break because I am "too available". How/can we move forward from here? Next steps from here?

Submitted March 29, 2023 at 05:24PM by Normal_Tadpole6423
I 25(M) Girlfriend 23(F) Said I'm Too Available and Wants a Break. What To Do? I 25(M) Girlfriend 23(F) Said I'm Too Available and Wants a Break. What To Do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 30, 2023 Rating: 5

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