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My boyfriend (m37) and I (f36) have been together about 3 years. The dog he bought his kids is aggressive to everyone.

My boyfriend (m37) and I (f36) have been together about 3 years. He has 2 kids 10 and 13. Thave a 17 yr old. They have a chihuahua they adopted over quarantine who is about 1.5yrs old. The dog has always been aggressive but bf has handled it by putting him in his cage to settle down. He would just bark loudly. Over the last year it has escalated.

He and i spoke numerous times about the dogs aggression and he told me he would neuter him to settle him down. This never happened. We're now living together for 4 months. Last week, as I was reaching for the remote his dog bit me and drew blood. My bf said he would neuter him. Today I asked him if he had made the appointment with the vet. He said he forgot but it was on the top of his to do list. I got angry and hurt. I asked him why he had not done so in over a year and does he know how much it hurts to hear him say he forgot.

He got upset and told me I am trying to start an argument. He said he told me he would do it and I shouldn't continue because this is upsetting him and I know he's been busy. He jumped out of bed and told me " fine l'll take the stupid dog and my kids to their moms so you can be happy since they are such a burden!"

This caught me by surprise because at no point did I mention his kids or anyone being a burden. He stomped out of the room. He returned a moment later to ask me why I couldn't just accept his answer, that he would do it tomorrow. I told him I will not take back what I said. I am hurt and angry he hasn't done anything about his dog's aggression. He left angrily.

I'm confused how this escalated so quickly. I don't know what I did wrong. Perhaps I shouldn't have allowed so much time to pass since the first act of aggression. That's on me.

His reaction makes me feel like am asking for too much or making too big a deal.

tl;dr: my boyfriend doesn't care his dog is aggressive and keeps forgettings to address the issue. And he is upset at me for making it a big issue. Am I overreacting for wanting to end the relationship?

Submitted March 23, 2023 at 09:49PM by throwRAone_grade
My boyfriend (m37) and I (f36) have been together about 3 years. The dog he bought his kids is aggressive to everyone. My boyfriend (m37) and I (f36) have been together about 3 years. The dog he bought his kids is aggressive to everyone. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 24, 2023 Rating: 5

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