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How do i (37M) respond empathetically when accused (32F) of things I don't recall?

I get accused of so many things - things I do take the blame for, but other things I do not remember ever saying, while some others, from my PoV, are complete distortions of my own recollection of events. I even go as far as search through old text conversations (which is our primary form of communication as we are long distance and see each every other weekend on average) and often cannot find evidence of what I am blamed for. If I say I don't remember apparently that make me an abuser/manipulator who's denying/lying/minimizing/feigning ignorance/playing victim. I do apologize for certain things sometimes and when I do I want it to be genuine and I don't want to blindly apologize for things I don't even remember happening. How can I approach this while still make the other person feel cared for?

**TL;DR; : I get accused of things I don't recall and want to know how to respond without fake apologies but with empathy and addressing the other person's feelings**. 

Submitted December 23, 2022 at 03:44PM by Appropriate-Prize-40
How do i (37M) respond empathetically when accused (32F) of things I don't recall? How do i (37M) respond empathetically when accused (32F) of things I don't recall? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 24, 2022 Rating: 5

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