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Boyfriend (21M) didn't get me (20F) anything for Christmas

Me (20F) and my boyfriend (21M) have been dating for about 7 months. We're both in college. The weeks leading up to Christmas, he asked me to come shopping with him to help choose gifts for a few of his family members and asked for my own opinions which led me to believe it was a subtle tactic for also gauging what to get me. We've both gotten each other anniversary gifts before, so I was expecting us to give each other gifts this Christmas too. I bought him a small gift and gave it to him. He was really grateful and thanked me multiple times. He did express regret and felt bad that he hadn't gotten me a gift, saying that he "didn't know we would be doing gifts for Christmas." It's true that we never brought up the topic of gift-giving or set any boundaries or budgets, etc. at any point during the relationship and not for Christmas either. I'm definitely not a materialistic person and don't expect gifts from others around me because I value other tokens of appreciation more in a relationship. I still couldn't help but feel kind of hurt and sad that he didn't get me anything, not even a little thing like a card or a note. Especially when it had become the norm for us for anniversaries and knowing that he got gifts for other special people with my company. Is this outright unfair to me, or is it justifiable since we had never discussed gifts before? How would you handle this?

TLDR: My boyfriend (21M) didn't get me (20F) a Christmas gift but got his family members ones and said it was because he didn't know we were doing gifts.

Submitted December 25, 2022 at 07:20PM by howlyrical
Boyfriend (21M) didn't get me (20F) anything for Christmas Boyfriend (21M) didn't get me (20F) anything for Christmas Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 26, 2022 Rating: 5

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