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24F][53F] my mother is a hoarder and I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to call code.

My (24F) mother (53F) is a hoarder of animals. It started out so nice and simple, she’d rescue animals and then find them homes. No big deal. Well her bf (63M) and her broke up and she had to move into her own place and that’s when it got bad. She was for the first time ever living alone. We didn’t know anything was going on until my husband (28M) and I had to go into her basement to fix some pipes last winter.

She had dogs and cats lined up in cages. More Cats running around everywhere. It wasnt too visibly dirty (some accidents here and there) but the SMELL. My husband and I were in there for 5 minutes total, had our shirts and hands over our mouths the whole time but could still smell it. We both got sick as soon as we got outside. It was the most disgusting smell ever. And after that we realized she smells just like it. Everything she has, her clothes, her car, gifts she gives you or food she makes at her house, all reek. She has to know it’s going on right???

I’ve talked with my siblings and they’ve noticed a smell too but no one wants to help. I’ve tried talking to her , saying I’ll help her if she needs it and I actually made arrangements to have a shelter take some dogs for her. And suddenly she doesn’t have any rescue dogs anymore. Or she changes the subject.

She has a few she wants to keep (but of course the list goes on). Idek how many cats she has but she’s obviously not keeping up with them. I try to talk to her but she shuts me down (I’ve always been her least favorite and if I try to talk to her about anything it’s always an argument). She’s had a lot of health issues this last year. But I know it’s been going on longer than we realized. She’s lived in this house almost four years now.

My biggest concern is her health. She’s not doing so well, always stressed. Always has pneumonia or something going on. At this point I feel like I need to call Code on her. Something needs to happen. My sister always talks me out of it because she might lose her license (for work) and get charges for animal abuse. And that’s the last thing I want

My second concern is the animals. They do not deserve this. I took a cat from her (anything to try and help) and she smelled like her house for weeks. Even after multiple baths. She was also missing a bunch of fur because she was pulling it out (probably due to the smell or stress, she hasn’t done that since) she also was infested with worms. My mom will also go to her friends house for 36-48 hours and no one is walking the dogs or feeding the cats/dogs. My grandma called her out on it one time (because she won’t let anyone go over there and help) and she said she has it all set up for them, there’s pee pads out. Now I know some little dogs prefer pee pads but she has a golden and a lab (that I know of) and I know they don’t want to pee on pads like that.

The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. I just recently had a baby in sept. And she always wants to come over and hold him and when she’s done he smells like her. It makes my stomach turn so I know it does for him too. I just can’t take it anymore. I don’t want her to hurt her but it needs to stop.

I’ve talked about doing an intervention but my siblings never give me a time they’re free. It’s driving me nuts. I know if I go to her myself it’ll be an argument and she’ll shut down.

TLDR my mother is a hoarder of animals. It’s so bad it’s affecting her health and the animals. The smell is absolutely disgusting. It gets on everything she touches as well (including my son) I can’t take it anymore. I’ve tried to help , she doesn’t want it. I want to call code on her.

Submitted December 30, 2022 at 08:37PM by Witchbitch6661
24F][53F] my mother is a hoarder and I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to call code. 24F][53F] my mother is a hoarder and I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to call code. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 31, 2022 Rating: 5

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