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Gf (27F) gave me (26/M) the ultimatum; it’s her or my career.

We have been together for a little over a year now. From our very first serious conversation I told her that I wanted to work hard to a point where I never have to worry about money again, and she was more than supportive. My parents both worked and were able to retire early at 50, and move away to their dream location.

At the time I met my gf, I was working at a job I didn’t really like as I was new in my field and had to take what I can get. A couple months again I saw a posting for a job in the middle of nowhere but twice my salary and the opportunity for great advancement, and told her I was thinking about applying. She was super supportive and said I should do it.

Well the interview went super good and I was offered the position. When I told her though, she wasn’t super excited. She told me she was supportive because she didn’t think I’d actually get it. We talked about long distance and everything and she seemed okay with it.

I’m now 3 months in to my position and making great money. I come back once a month and FaceTime/ do virtual dates with her every day. I’ve been working on advancements at work, and while talking to my boss he told me he could recommend for a position out west that will make even considerably more than what I’m making now. I told my gf about this and brought up she said I focus on work too much and not enough on her. She told me that she doesn’t want to move away from friends and family, and I need to pick either her or my career.

I don’t know what I should do. There isn’t much in my field for work back home. I feel like I’ve been open to her with my intentions, and I feel like I would regret not doing this. But I’ve never had the connection with anyone before like I do her. I want to do this for the both of us so we don’t have to worry about money, especially with how the world is going, but I don’t know if I’d end up regretting this as well.

TLDR; doing long distance, have the potential to make more out west, gf told me to pick her or my career

Submitted December 29, 2022 at 04:45AM by ThrowRA992699
Gf (27F) gave me (26/M) the ultimatum; it’s her or my career. Gf (27F) gave me (26/M) the ultimatum; it’s her or my career. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 29, 2022 Rating: 5

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