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Husband (33M) tells me he hates me (30F), now I find myself thinking the same about him. Is there any hope?

A few months ago during some stupid argument my husband (33M) turned around and told me (30F) he hates me. I just stood there completely dumbfounded and then burst into tears.

It was the first time anyone had said that to me in my adult life and it still hurts to think about. Later, he apologised for being childish but has said it again multiple times during subsequent arguments. I said it for the first time in retaliation about a week ago and was surprised by how good it felt.

So, I guess it’s one thing to say in the heat of the moment. But I’m catching myself thinking that I really hate him sometimes. I guess it’s maybe like a habit that my mind started using the word but it’s so distressing because… I guess sometimes I do.

There’s so much more to our relationship than this single interaction, but it’s the word “hate” and its connotations that are upsetting me.

So. I kind of hate my husband. Is there any coming back from this because I don’t know?

Tl;dr husband told me he hates me and I kind of hate him too

Submitted August 04, 2022 at 06:46PM by this_is_outrageouss
Husband (33M) tells me he hates me (30F), now I find myself thinking the same about him. Is there any hope? Husband (33M) tells me he hates me (30F), now I find myself thinking the same about him. Is there any hope? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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