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Think I caught my(M41) long term Gf(F38) in a lie, considering break up

I'm leaving a ton out of here, but short version is, gf disappeared today after work in a totally uncharacteristic way. We talk everyday, esp at night before her bedtime. It's a routine we've had for ages...If she goes out or stays with friends, she tells me. Just cuz that's what we do. We always tell each other where we are.

Anyways, she hadn't replied since she left work 2:30pm. This doesn't happen for us really. Ever. I get super worried, and finally go drive by her house at 11:15pm. And her car isn't there. She's usually in bed by 10pm on work nights.

After more texts and calls she finally calls me at 12:30. She's using her apologetic tone, and trying to sound sleepy ( have to be very honest here. I know the girl pretty good, this sounded like acting to me )

I ask her what happened. She says she fell asleep. I'm like, you've been asleep since before 7pm? ( Again, this just never happens like this ). "Mmhmm". "Well where was your car when i drove by?"

I could sense the "oh shit" hesitation, but then she says "oh maybe my dad took it". Her dad is hovering around 80yo. He goes to sleep before she does. I don't believe for one second he decided to go on a late night cruise in her mustang, in the hood.

I'm pretty sure tomorrow I'll hear, "oh my brother took it." But I think this is unlikely too. He works... They all pretty much go to sleep around the same time, and get up early.

We've had a fair amount of issues in the past, but I felt like we had turned a corner recently.

There's the slim chance her brother really did on this particular night, decide to take her car out near midnight. And that casts some doubt. I don't want to accuse her of something she didn't do, or end this relationship over a bad coincidence.

But it's hard to believe this is just a coincidence. I feel like this is pushing me to break up. The whole sneaking around at night, and lying to me about it. There's never been a need to hide anything. So why tonight? If she wanted to go hang with friends, it's never been an issue. So this makes me think she's cheating, or testing the waters. Ive had some suspicions in the past. But this is the first time where I've seen something I'd consider a blatant red flag.

Am I crazy for thinking of breaking up over this? How do I proceed?

TL;DR Gf disappeared abnormally long time, claims she was asleep at home. But her car was not there when I checked.

Submitted September 29, 2021 at 05:01AM by tbarela
Think I caught my(M41) long term Gf(F38) in a lie, considering break up Think I caught my(M41) long term Gf(F38) in a lie, considering break up Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 29, 2021 Rating: 5

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