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Partner (28M) called me selfish (27F) for choosing to rest instead of playing game with him.

I just want to vent out my feelings regarding my partner.

Edit: We we're together for 8 months and we're in the same company.

For details, both of us are gamers, but he's the competitive gamer and I am just a casual gamer. He spends 6-10 hours playing in his computer everyday while I can only play 2-4 hours in a day.

He is an avid gamer of this MMORPG game where he and his friends are all active members of a guild and always on raids, etc.

I only play world exploration games like Genshin, and turn base games like Arknights and FGO. And I don't like partying with strangers.

So this is where the problem starts.

He introduced me to the game that he usually plays and I ended up liking the gameplay. I played it so that we can bond together every night. But I didn't really liked the competitive part of it. And I also prefer playing alone or with him only.

Several nights of playing that game, he started to trash-talk me when I'm not familiar with the map, or not being familiar with some mechanics of the game etc. I raised my concerns regarding that but he justifies it as his way of making me better which is BS in my opinion. Similar incidents like that led me to lose interest in the game.

Whenever I excuse myself to play my favorite games, he gets angry, saying that I am wasting my time with my "children's games" and should play competitive games instead. And whenever I defend myself that I don't like competitive part of the game, he always tell me I'm weak because I can't handle pressure.

Last night, I refused to play with him because I just wanted to rest due to mental burnout but he gets angry again because I'm just wasting my character that he built and just making my introversion as an excuse. He also proceeds in insulting my introversion and my anxiety and calling me selfish for choosing to relax instead of playing with him.

Am I the selfish one?

TLDR: My (27F) partner (28M) got angry at me because I refused to play online game. Called me selfish because I wanted to rest.

Submitted September 27, 2021 at 01:27PM by AloneAndDistressed
Partner (28M) called me selfish (27F) for choosing to rest instead of playing game with him. Partner (28M) called me selfish (27F) for choosing to rest instead of playing game with him. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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