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My (21F) boyfriend (22M) says vulgar things about other people and it makes me super uncomfortable


So my boyfriend sometimes says mean things about others or groups of people that make me sort of uncomfortable.

Firstly, he goes with his close friends including another girl he doesn’t know too well (let’s call her A). He seems to hate A’s guts and calls her a troll and how she looks disgusting. I asked him if it was because she’s a bad person or if she did something to him, and he said it’s because she lies a lot and looks ugly and disgusting.

Look I don’t care if he doesn’t like someone but what scares me is the vulgarness he uses to describe her especially her looks and such that makes me feel uncomfortable.

I told him the way he spoke about her made me uncomfortable but he got upset and said that he didn’t understand why it was such a big deal, so I dropped it.

Also, he works in sales and comes across South Indians a lot. He calls them cheap and sometimes calls me on the phone when they don’t buy from him and says vulgar things about them that make me uncomfortable.

“Those stupid fucking Indians they should go back to their country”... all because he’s frustrated he didnt make a sale. And what confuses me is that he’s also an immigrant (from another country).

Am I just being to overly sensitive by feeling uncomfortable by this? I don’t want him to feel like he can’t speak his mind to me but it kind of scares me sometimes

TL;DR My boyfriend makes vulgar comments about others and it makes me uncomfortable

EDIT: It’s very confusing because generally I see him as s very kind person. I have seen him talk to others with kindness on many occasions and he talks to me kindly too but then this comes up and I get confused and don’t understand where it comes from

Submitted August 31, 2021 at 01:08PM by Quick-Dealer8997
My (21F) boyfriend (22M) says vulgar things about other people and it makes me super uncomfortable My (21F) boyfriend (22M) says vulgar things about other people and it makes me super uncomfortable Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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