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Should I (21F) call it quits with my (22M) boyfriend?

tl;dr- I'm not sure about my relationship with my boyfriend anymore. It has its ups and downs, but there seems to be more downs than up. Help?

Hi there, Reddit. I'm having a dilemma in my relationship of almost a year and a half and I need some outside opinions. I'm gonna try to keep this brief: I'm not too sure I'm happy with him anymore.

This is my first long term relationship, and we met on Tinder (sad, I know). Over the 'year and a half' we've spent together, I've seen him do a complete 180. He went from dressing normally, being a super sweet, caring and wholesome guy who was all about me, to spending way too much money on clothes to 'boost his confidence', becoming a very cocky, attention whorish and occasionally rude little boy who always has different girls messaging him. I don't know what they talk about because the conversations always disappear on Snapchat (he lets me get on his phone sometimes).

Recently we went on a date and I tried to ask him about these girls, but he kept changing the subject and wouldn't tell me anything about them (we agreed we'd do that when we talk to new people). All he would say was they saw him at a party and started talking to him...but he was fighting a smile when he was talking about it. I got quiet for the rest of the date while he aggressively tried to get me to speak to him. I know that was wrong on my part, but each time I opened mouth to say anything, I was scared I was gonna start sobbing in the middle of the restaurant (school's hard right now, and the fact that this isn't his first time doing this doesn't help).

I wouldn't care about his dress so much if I didn't have to buy him gas and food EVERY time I come over. And I make less than he does! WAY less. He brings home $800 every 2 weeks and I'm lucky if I even see $200 (I'm a full time college student). I've asked him if there's any way we can take turns, but it turns into me buying for him. I've asked him if he can try taking care of me sometimes, and it turns into me buying for him. Everytime I let him know his behaviors towards me makes me feel like he doesn't care, he becomes upset and talks about how he moved all the way here (a 40 minute drive from his old home) to be with me. But the funny thing about that, Reddit, is he had been planning that move before he even met me.

I'm probably leaving some stuff out, so I apologize in advance. Feel free to ask any questions and/or criticize me (I feel like I'm being ridiculous but I'm not sure). Should I call it quits? Should I fight for this? I don't know what to do, but I'm scared. I'm scared of the breakup pain, I'm scared I may be losing my soulmate, and there's just so much anxiety in general...

Thanks in advance.

Submitted August 31, 2021 at 04:06PM by _MAC620_
Should I (21F) call it quits with my (22M) boyfriend? Should I (21F) call it quits with my (22M) boyfriend? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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