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My boyfriend (31M) and I (29F) do not see eye to eye on this one COVID precaution and it’s exhausting.

I have a wonderful boyfriend. We’ve been together for two years, and 95% of those two years have been so happy and nourishing and fulfilling. He’s incredibly supportive of my ambitions and passions, despite having totally separate interests. I often need an extra set of hands for work projects (he works in a totally different field) and he is always on board to help, and never complains. But he’s feeling quarantine fatigue in a major way. I get it.

He lives, breathes, and sleeps basketball, and after many months away, has started playing again. Outdoors, while still not completely risk-free, I am supportive of. I haven’t been able to partake of any of my passions outside of work since the shutdown started and it makes me so sad and emotionally exhausted, so I’m happy that he has the opportunity to do his thing.

But it’s cold where we live, and he’s now rationalized that playing indoors is safe because the meetup group he plays with sees each other every week with no reported cases, so that means they must be safe. He will not wear a mask while he plays. I have expressed my support that he plays and asked if he would wear a mask if only to help me feel safe. He has stated that he will not do so. I let him know that if he feels he has to do it, then I don’t want us to interact for the following two days. I feel like that’s generous, as symptoms can develop during the 10 days after exposure, and meanwhile, a person could be infecting others, but he feels that he is safe enough, though he has told me he respects my decision.

I’m trying to be objective about this. Because of where we live, we’ve continued to see his friends regularly as our social bubble since they all live close, and I have not seen my friends in person since March as I live about an hour away from my friends and I didn’t feel comfortable making our exposure bubble that much bigger. We don’t live together but normally spend the week switching between whose house we stay at and are together in some fashion 90% of the time. I know my feelings of isolation from my own individual life just compound this and make me feel worse, but I can’t help wishing that my boyfriend would throw me this one bone.

I don’t know what more I could do. Am I being unreasonably anxious about this? Could I have expressed my concerns better? I’m just feeling sad at this point.

TL;DR: My boyfriend insists on playing indoor basketball during COVID and I feel like an asshole for telling him that I’m not comfortable with it.

Submitted February 25, 2021 at 10:28PM by No_Room9486
My boyfriend (31M) and I (29F) do not see eye to eye on this one COVID precaution and it’s exhausting. My boyfriend (31M) and I (29F) do not see eye to eye on this one COVID precaution and it’s exhausting. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 26, 2021 Rating: 5

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