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I [36F] recently found out my FIL [57M] lied about me resigning at his office and has told family members I was fired.

Long story short, I was brought into my father in laws company when it first started because I have a background in accounting and payroll. The short-term agreement turned into a 5 year part-time job.

My husband (35M) works for the company doing a different job and would often ask questions about money that I was not permitted to answer. It caused several arguments between us and even though I kept my mouth shut about my FIL's financial situation, I was still blamed for stuff "leaking" out of the office.

After some family drama unrelated to me, my father in law was a wreck and would come in every day complaining about his children (my husband & his 2 brothers). His horrible attitude caused so much stress for me and I felt incredibly uncomfortable being around him. At home, my husband would talk about the same issue and I felt I couldn't escape the negativity and bad-mouthing BS.

SO... I gave my father in law my notice and told him I was going to pursue my other career full-time. He was fine with the decision and congratulated me on plans of starting my own business in the field I work and enjoy. He hired a new office assistant, I trained her, celebrated my last day 3 weeks later, gave hugs and goodbye office employment!

My father in law called regularly to check how I was doing with the new job and we're close, so we'd talk about life and other stuff, as well. The last 5 months have been so successful for me and I'm so very happy with my decision to leave. My husband and I don't argue, my FIL & I had no hard feelings or anything like that... until a call received today...

I was asked by my sister in law (married to my husband's brother) if it was uncomfortable being around my father in law now that I'm out of the office. I told her it was quite the opposite, we talk once a week or so and he's very supportive and complimentary of my success. And then she said, "yeah, but, he fired you. And you aren't upset? I'm really surprised your husband still works for him. It's all just really weird to me." So, I told her the whole real story and found out that he had told several people that he had to fire me because I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

I am absolutely at a loss of where I go from here. I plan to call him in the morning and find out what the deal is, but I'm hurt and embarrassed that for 5 months, he's told however many people that I was fired. From knowing him pretty well, he's going to deny he said it, but I confirmed with other family members tonight that they had heard the same story my SIL had. And what do I even say? I don't want to run any relationships but if I don't say anything, it will forever weigh on me. Why would he make up this lie?

My husband knows the truth and said he's calling him and dealing with it. I told him it's my responsibility and I need to talk to him myself. I just don't know how to even begin the conversation where it doesn't sound like a he-said/she-said, pointing fingers of blame kind of thing.

tl;dr: Quit working for my FIL because of constant, uncomfortable negativity & he has told several family members he had to fire me because I spread his "secrets"

Submitted February 27, 2021 at 12:28AM by liquidmetal84
I [36F] recently found out my FIL [57M] lied about me resigning at his office and has told family members I was fired. I [36F] recently found out my FIL [57M] lied about me resigning at his office and has told family members I was fired. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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